chapter twenty-five

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I watched her hand got taken by Noah, her eyes filled with tears as she glance back at me through the glass walls, while my arms is rested above the counter trying to be entertain myself with the crowd of costumers coming my way.

The entire time i felt like i should've run to her and apologize, there were so many things i wish she knew.

"I'll get going, close the shop as early as you can okay? It's getting late.."

I gave my co-worker a nod before placing the mop down as i wiped the beads of sweat forming above my forehead.

My eyes landed on my watch realizing it's 11pm and my shift is over, i threw back my coat and beanie before closing the shop making sure i locked it right before throwing the keys inside my coat's pocket.

Arriving back home, i parked the motorcycle right behind the house before turning off the engine, finally reaching the front door. My phone buzzed multiple times before i convinced myself it's an important message and i have to look at it.



"I am sorry okay, my dad is such an over protective old man and it's not your fault okay?"

"He's inviting you for dinner next week, he wanted to talk."

"Don't hate me please..or my dad."


I closed my phone, realizing it's from Bailey.

I threw my coat at the back door, i thought i would be alone in the living room but i found my uncle sleeping right into the couch with a book rested above his chest.

My hands slowly dragged the book off him before pulling a blanket over him, i slowly went upstairs, closing the door behind me before sitting down above my bed.

"Dinner? Sounds good."

I let out a sighed, thinking twice if i should send it or not. Too much happened and i couldn't lay down knowing Heather is around.

Finally clicking sent, i immediately threw my phone beside me before taking my beanie off, walking right near my bed room's window show casing the moon shining through my room.

I looked down to see the roof of the first floor, thinking it'll be a great idea to sit down by the moon. So i slowly walked above the asphalt roof trying not to make any noise.

Suddenly feeling such relief after i was able to take a sit without causing myself any trouble, i watch the stars above, almost thinking of counting them as my knees close to my chest and my arms hugging them close.

It was chilly and i somehow regret taking my beanie off, i took a piece of cigarette out my pocket and lit it up using my lighter.

After all the months, i didn't understood why the moment i felt like things were going my way after leaving my so-called home, the feeling inside me is too sick to come back. Turns out i wasn't missing home, i was missing my home.

My finger tips touched the body of my cigarette before blowing it above me, though my uncle wasn't aware of my nicotine addiction, i didn't wanna give him an idea that i do.

My home..Heather Nill.


"Holy shit, i thought you ghosted me last night."

Bailey came out of nowhere while i am in the middle of washing my hands in the girl's bathroom.

"No can do, i was just busy at work."

I took the faucet's handle and pulled it down to close it, i finally got to face her and to my surprise she wasn't dressing like she needs to hook up with different college guys in one night.

"I thought my usual get up bothers you, so i picked something off my brother's."

We both left the bathroom, i chuckled before wiping my hands on my sweater.

"Yeah? what did your friends thought about that."

She looked down her outfit, before looking back at me.

"They thought i live in the hood now, but my perfume saves my entire well being."

I take a whiff of her perfume, and she was right. Still smelled expensive.

"By the way, i really am sorry about last dad over reacted and it's annoying.."

"But i am glad you said yes to the dinner, because i would be really disappointed if you said no."

Bailey hopped off when she noticed her group of friends, i glance at her one more time before walking into a different class.

The entire day went on, just got a few extra works to finish but gladly i was able to pull them off. I stopped by the school locker area to wait for Bailey. I took my sweater off leaving my uniform on.

I didn't bother coming home anymore so i headed right into the coffee shop to go my earliest so i can go home early too, as usual i stood by the counter taking in orders and making coffee.

"Notice that blonde girl sitting there?"

"she has been ordering for like the 5th time now, she said she was looking for a girl named Moe."

My co worker shook his head before proceeding to the back room to fetch more cups, meanwhile, i stood at the counter taking orders while glancing at Heather back and forth.

Her head rested at the glass wall while her eyes closed, i noticed she fixed her posture as she struggled with her current position.

she probably felt uncomfortable, why would anyone even sleep with their head rested on a glass wall without any support?

Ignoring her was killing me, going back and forth knowing she was there, i couldn't work properly.

"I ordered a different size?"

Snapping back, i apologized and got back to take the order properly.

My shift went on, my entire being taking orders and making coffee but my mind is busy thinking about Heather sleeping inside a coffee shop filled with strangers.

The moment i was dismissed by 9pm, i was hoping she had left already but she was still in the same position sitting down with her head rested down now on her table.

I sighed before standing right in front of her, i waited till nobody was in the counter before i hanged her arm around my neck carrying her entire weight as i hurriedly pulled her outside the shop.

Not knowing how she got here, just lucky enough a bench was around the corner so i got to place her down. I slowly placed her head on my shoulder, hoping she would wake up.

And she did, probably heard the cars horned and the talking by the people passing by. She was surprised to see me the moment she started rubbing her eyes.

"I am sorry...i fell asleep waiting for you.."

Noticing her surroundings, she looked back at me.

"wait here..okay?"

I pulled the motorcycle near her, i told her to hop on. The moment she did, her hands immediately wrapped around my waist. I took a deep breath feeling her presence behind me.

The wind started blowing my hair, i smiled noticing her smile appeared on the side mirror. I focused on the road trying to held in the sudden rush of unexplained feeling, but it was the same feeling i feel when i am with her.

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