chapter twenty-two

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"Jesus fuck!"

The tires of my skateboard aggressively did a 360 spin while trying to avoid a girl that suddenly popped out of nowhere, both of us in shock of the almost death we both just witnessed.

When my breathing becomes normal again, i kicked my skateboard to flip it right back into my hand.

"earphones? you're serious?"

I raised my voice at her, but she doesn't seemed to hear me and decided to just ignore me so i snatched her earphones from her ears and i got a bitter expression from her.

"hello?! you're at the middle of the road with earphones on, lucky enough i was riding a skateboard and not a fucking car!"

She stared at me blankly while holding her earphones, i noticed how her blonde hair covers half of her face and her get up seems to be too feminine for my liking.

"Dude, chill!"

She faced me, wiping her hair off her face and tucking them behind her ear.

she's beautiful.

"I was pissed off because you snatched my earphones away, i was about to apologize."

Her hand traveled down her pocket to take her phone out.

"Can we just like forget this, cause i am going to be late."

Her eyes flew to her wrist watch before deciding to walk away, but i quickly took her arm and she slapped me.

Her hand flew to her mouth while my hand is laid on the right side of my cheeks, the burning sensation is making me tear up. 

"I thought you were somebody else!"

She pocketed her phone and earphones before moving her face towards me, taking my hand off my face and replacing it with hers.

"Unbelievable, i can't slap Michael like this."

My eyebrows met in confusion, she sighed before taking her hand away from my face realizing her hand pigmented on my face.

"Are you serious?!"

I raised my voice at her.

"You scared me okay? I am sorry i slapped you like that, but i really am going to be late."

"I'll give you a ride?"

She smiled at me, i rolled my eyes at her before taking my skateboard and walking away.

"I was trying to be nice!"

I ignored her and started strolling my skateboard down the hill, finally reaching the school grounds. Immediately flipping the small school map and a key to my locker, i shoved my skateboard in before walking to my first class.

Everyone went silent when i came in, i was probably a new face. I became more insecure at the stares they were giving me. I couldn't figure out where to place my hand or even turning my head feels uncomfortable in this new school, new set up and new name.


A tall man who wears a glasses and a book on his hand. 


I stood up, walking in the aisle while i take my uniform in hand. I wasn't used to wearing uniform either so maybe i know the reason why they've been staring at me so much.

"Oh, and nose piercings aren't allowed."

He laid his hand infront of me, not knowing what to do so i slapped his hand down thinking he wants a low five.

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