chapter twenty-one

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"I'd make sure to push you in the pool if you don't right now."

Lucy has her arms around her girlfriend, i watched them stare at each other while i hug my knees closed to my chest. She invited me over for a pre-graduation party and i could say i was forced.

I stood up from the edge of the pool and went inside her house, i grabbed myself a drink and went back to the pool where i stumbled into the Noah.

", i was looking for you."

He sat down on the top counter right next to me.

"Did you listened to the tape yet?"

I shake my head 'no', i couldn't even get near to it. Every time i get near it i felt like i was going to regret it. Her disappearance made me feel like it's my fault. She was burdened alone and scared for her life and all she ever did was protect me.

"I am sorry....i should've stopped her, i saw her as my competition at first but things turned around after the night camp."

"She was looking for you Heather...the entire night she did.."

"Her entire clothes dripping in rain water, she was barely seen right after i took you in the cabin that night."

she looked for me?..

I could feel my tears edging again, every time someone mentions her my heart aches, every day i miss her.

"But i'd see me as well, Heather, i am not asking you anything just please give me a chance."

I took my hand away from his.

"You do understand right? This, everything i can't-"

It's too overwhelming, my situation isn't the best he knows that. I stared down at my drink on my hand started drinking half bottle before making my way back to the edge of the pool, dipping my toes while i watch half of our batch mates scream and have fun.

Just feeling the need to be isolated from everyone, i couldn't even understood what i feel right now either. My phone buzzed a few times before i decided it's too annoying for someone who just want a peace of mind.

my dad.

I ignored his call, i went back inside noticing my drink is almost gone, i didn't know how many times i go back and forth until i felt myself almost slipping on the wet concrete right at the side of the pool, luckily i had a handle to support my entire weight in.

"Jesus...graduation starts at 8am tomorrow and you're.."

"fucked up."

Lucy popped out of nowhere, noticing how i couldn't keep my balance anymore yet i still had a bottle in my hand.

"Shhhh...Lucy, will you shut up and just swim.."

My words all slurry, i took another swig from my bottle before standing right beside the pool, noticing my reflection on the water made me smile.

"For graduates!"

I raised my arms on the either side of me, looked like i was attempting to fly but instead i dropped myself willing on the water, i didn't even know how to swim.

My eyes closed, i could feel the water enter my nosestrills making it impossible for me to move as i could feel my body sink down at the pool tiles with nothing but my thoughts.

I thought that's how i was going to die, i could feel myself giving up on the oxygen left on my body, but i did heard fainted screams before i completely opened my eyes, my lungs burning at the lack of air and finally lifted my head out if the water gasping for air.

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