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Name: Damian Al Ghul Wayne

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Name: Damian Al Ghul Wayne

Aliases/Alter Ego: Son of the Demon (formerly), Hafid Al Ghul (temporarily), Ibn al Xu'ffasch (rare), Robin (currently)

Family: Wayne Family (biological), Al Ghul Family (maternal relatives)

Birthday: August 9th or January 5th (year variable in comics/movies)

Zodiac: Leo or Capricorn

Personality Type: ISTP (The Virtuoso)

Sexuality: Demisexual

Eye Color: Emerald Green

Hair Color: Jet Black 

Skin Color: Pale or Tanned (variable in comics/movies)

Height: variable (in canon, he's said to be around 4'6" to 5'3" but that's because he's portrayed young, usually around 10-13)

Alignment: Good

Teams: League of Assassins (formerly), Demon's Fist (temporarily), Bat vigilantes, Teen Titans

Skills and Abilities: Marksmanship, Swordsmanship, Stealth, High Reflexes, Master Martial Artist, High Intelligence, Stamina, Agility, Strength.

Preferred Weapon: Katanas

Known Trainers: Ra's Al Ghul, Talia Al Ghul, Batman

Occupation: Head of the Demon Fist (back when he was living with the Al Ghuls), Student at Gotham Academy (generally)

Origin Story: (variable in comics, following excerpt taken from

Damian Wayne is the son of Batman and Talia al Ghul. This makes him an heir to the world's greatest crime-fighter, and its greatest super-villain Ra's al Ghul. During Battle for the Cowl he became the fifth Robin, working alongside Dick Grayson as Batman. He was eventually killed by the Heretic during an adventure with Batman Incorporated.

Damian's existence was initially unknown to Batman. Genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, Damian was intended to be a formidable warrior. Raised by Talia and the League of Assassins, Damian became a talented martial artist by the time he was a pre-teen.

Damian is seen years later when Talia has him spy on Bruce with her. Talia reveals Damian's existence to Bruce Wayne at ten years old and leaves him in his father's custody in an effort to disrupt Batman's work. Precocious, spoiled, selfish and violent, Damian battles Robin (Tim Drake), whom Damian wants to replace as Batman's sidekick, and sucker punches him off the T. Rex model in the Batcave. Grounded by Batman, Damian escapes, dons a variant Robin costume made of Jason Todd's old tunic and assorted League of Assassin gear, and gets into a fight with the villainous Spook, whom he decapitates. Although misguided and malicious, Damian seems to genuinely want to aid Batman's war on crime as Damian sees himself as Wayne's true son though this remains unconfirmed.

Eventually, Batman confronts Talia, but both Talia and Damian are soon caught in an explosion. They survive the explosion, but a badly injured Damian requires transplants of harvested organs, which his mother orders her physicians to carry out. Damian made a full recovery.

Talia, Head of the Demon, takes Damian to the Australian Outback where he is tutored in the secret history of his grandfather, Ra's al Ghul. Talia is unaware that a former servant of Ra's, named White Ghost, plans to use Damian as a shell for the soul of Ra's to return to Earth. This process would, of course, kill Damian. Talia is able to save her son from his fate at the last minute.

However, Ra's is still able to return, as a rotting, shambling undead corpse, still needing Damian to stabilize his form. Damian flees to alert Batman, but he's still pursued by his evil grandfather. Upon entering Wayne Manor, Damian attempts to relay to Robin the fact that Ra's has returned. However, Robin, suspicious of Damian's intentions, does not believe his story and begins a fist fight. Damian flees and encounters Alfred. Before he can effectively relay his news he is attacked by Robin, who perceives Damian's attempt to help a tripping Alfred as an attack, and renews their battle. As they fight, members of the League of Assassins approach the manor with the intention of killing all others within and bringing Damian back to Ra's alive. Damian and Robin (Tim) fight side-by-side against Ra's and his minions, with the help of Nightwing. However, their collaboration is hindered by their very different philosophies of battle, not to mention their strong dislike - even hatred - of each other. Damian is willing to betray Tim at any moment for his own safety. Ra's captures the two and tells Batman that he will use one of them for his own body. Batman offers his own body instead.

Ra's refuses the offer, feeling that he needs someone of a younger age. The choices are Robin or Damian. Batman offers a third alternative: "Fountain of Essence," which contains the qualities of a Lazarus Pit. Batman and Ra's go in search of the fountain, leaving Tim, Damian, Nightwing, Alfred, and Talia to battle the Sensei. Damian leaves his mother and Tim to an unknown fate, while he goes off to be with his father. Unfortunately, he ends up captured by Ra's and nearly loses his life. Batman and the others manage to save him, and Talia takes her son and escapes.

Sometime after surviving Ra's resurrection, Damian had sensed that someone is out to get Batman. In response to this, Talia began to formulate a plan. Meanwhile, a later talk between Drake and Alfred shows that Bruce Wayne had performed a DNA test on Damian to determine any blood connection between Bruce and Damian though the results of that test remain secret at that time. Alfred says Bruce intended to tell him the results when the time was right and Grayson already knew the results beforehand. At this, Tim realizes that Damian is indeed Bruce's son, and exclaims "The son of the Devil is my brother?" But the results of the actual test are not specifically revealed, leaving the specific question unanswered. Talia's plan then seems to involve Commissioner James Gordon, whom Talia and Damian rescue from a booby-trapped Wayne Manor while in search of Batman, who has gone insane and missing. Damian and Alfred race to aid Batman against the Black Glove in a commandeered Batmobile. Damian, who is driving, knocks an ambulance off a bridge without any sign of remorse or even concern. When Alfred reprimands him, Damian retorts with a backhanded threat. The only occupant of the ambulance was the Joker. After Batman's supposed death in Final Crisis, Damian is left in the care of Alfred Pennyworth and trained by Dick Grayson (Nightwing).


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