The Renowned Demon Spawn [The Hellfire Series]

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Fanfic: The Hellfire Series [Demon Spawn, Fallen Angel, Lilith]

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Fanfic: The Hellfire Series [Demon Spawn, Fallen Angel, Lilith]

Portrayed by: Chris Wood

Background: the only biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. Was sent to Gotham after Deathstroke killed Ra's Al Ghul and Talia took over the title of Demon Head. Has lived with the Waynes ever since and took up the mantle of Robin.

Alias: Robin 

Age: 20 onwards

Current Status: Alive

Eye color: Emerald Green

Hair color and type: Black and neatly cut.

Skin color: Slightly tanned

Height: 6'0"

Love Interest: Rachel Roth/Raven (ex-girlfriend, both parted ways mutually), Ashley Ferguson (current girlfriend)

Hobbies: Swordfighting, training sessions with his siblings, reading books, beating criminals to a pulp, swimming, taking long walks with Titus, photography.

Personality: This was my first time writing a Damian centric fanfic as seen in Demon Spawn | D. Wayne and to be honest I was nervous how his portrayal would turn out. I had opted to show a slightly mature yet still a bit bratty Damian and so far I have received positive feedback on that story.

The prominent personality facts about him are as follows:

• Despite being twenty, he is quite childish in the sense that he is insufferably stubborn and gets pissed very easily if things don't go as he wants.

• Bluntly honest, most of the time to his own disadvantage. He once compared Ashley to the sun and said she was too bright and too hot, he has not heard the end of it ever since as it became a running joke within the family.

• Favorite adoptive brother is Richard while least favorite adoptive brother is Tim. However, he is scared of Jason as the elder has too many privileges by being his girlfriend's mother figure.

• Does not have a favorite adoptive sister.

• However, Damian has come to good terms with almost all the family members and no longer gets into deadly fights with any of them (not even with Tim). But he still gets into arguments very easily.

• Somewhat possessive over Grayson. Freaked out when Richard proposed to Barbara because he was afraid that things would change between them after his marriage.

• That being said, he sometimes gets worried about the most pointless of things.

• Favorite food is Lasagna.

• Has a mini zoo in Wayne Manor. The only time he is actually on tolerable terms with Tim is when the elder manages to persuade Bruce into keeping another animal for Damian.

• Believes in reverse psychology, and uses it everywhere too.

• Was devastated after Richard's supposed death for a year in which the eldest brother was working for Spyral. It drove a wedge between his and Bruce's relationship.

• Hates not being trusted by close family members. Especially Bruce.

• Is a wildlife activist and most of his social media is dedicated to the cause.

• Gets social anxiety and tries to avoid interviews as much as possible until or unless it's about animals.

• Instinctive. Act first, think later. 

• Able to maintain his composure in the worst of situations, the only exception being when he found out Richard had gotten shot.

• Secretly loves all the drama his family gets into. Would also record it for entertainment purposes but if caught in the act, he would act totally oblivious to any accusations drawn to him.

• Tim and Damian certainly do not like each other. But they can't stay apart for long too and whenever the two team up, it is a pure nightmare for the rest of the family.

• The one person he definitely does not want to mess up with is Elizabeth Hayden who he calls the Hayden Terror.

• His only best friend is Jonathan Kent though Tim finds it hard to believe how two such opposite people can coexist without killing each other. The reason though is simple. Jonathan can not and will not kill Damian. Damian will not kill him because he considers him his only friend.

• Jason's Mamma mode is the only thing Damian is scared of most. The second-ranking in the short list of things Damian is scared of is Elizabeth Hayden. On the third rank is Ashley herself. And on the fourth is Tim on caffeine withdrawal.

Origin story: (follows canon storyline)


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