Burn The Calenders [Random]

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This is an April Fool special one-shot featuring our lovely Batfamily. The setting for this chapter is that Damian has very recently joined the Waynes and is still adjusting to life away from his mother and grandfather. Everything about them is very different and he is slowly learning more about how their mundane world works.

It is his first April Fools day with the family and let's just say that he had no idea why all of them suddenly decided to act even more wild than usual. I hope you guys have fun reading it.


He creaked open the door as silently as possible, knowing that the little boy was a light sleeper. He had taken up a dangerous task indeed and the chances of him failing were higher than that of his success.

But risks had never made Richard Grayson give up and so there he was in Damian's room, a permanent marker in hand as he cautiously stepped closer to the bed.

It would be morning soon and he had to get done with his prank rather quickly. He already had a bet going on with Tim who was convinced he would fail the task.

And Richard simply had to prove him wrong so there he was in their youngest brother's lair, intending to draw mustaches on the boy's face while he slept.

He had not as much as laid a single finger on the boy when his hand shot up and held onto Richard's wrist, grip unnervingly tight.

Before he could open his eyes, Richard dropped the marker which slid down his sleeve and disappeared. Right next moment, striking emerald eyes were looking up at him with a very grave expression. 

"Grayson, if you had to kill me in my sleep, you should have been more discreet," the boy's very calm but threatening voice sounded and he flinched, "I could hear your pathetic breathing from a mile away."

"I was not going to kill you," he retracted his hand from Damian's grip, blue eyes looking down cautiously in speculative emerald, "by the way, why do you sleep like a corpse?"

"If I slept like a corpse, I wouldn't have caught you red-handed," he remarked, still eyeing his hand as if trying to figure out what he had been holding, "what was the weapon? Knife? Fork? Poison vial?"

"Oh come on, Babybat, why would I kill you? It was just a joke. Also, I was referring to the way you were sleeping; straight like a log and with arms crossed over your chest. This is exactly how we bury people."

"I don't care about the ways of your people. They are pointless anyway," he sat up, eyes flickering towards the clock, "why are you still here?"

"No reason, I'm just going to go now. Good night, Damian." Richard was disappointed that Tim had won the bet as he had failed in his prank. But at least Damian hadn't lashed out at him.

The eleven year old boy was living proof that small things could be much more vicious when provoked.

"Good morning, Grayson," he corrected him, "soon it will be time for breakfast."

"Yeah, exactly. See you at breakfast then."

He clicked his tongue in irritation, slamming the door shut and locking it soon as the eldest brother had stepped out.

He sometimes got the feeling he would never be able to adjust to the crazy lot his mother had left him with. Sometimes he couldn't believe how his father was still sane after putting up with the antics caused by the rest of his adopted children.

Little did he know that all the antics he had seen so far would pale in comparison to what the day had in store for them.

It was the first of April and that one day in the year when the Batfamily went even crazier than they usually were. April Fools day for the Waynes was indeed the ultimate chaos day.

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