The Only Blood Son [Castle Of Glass]

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Fanfic: Castle Of Glass | B

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Fanfic: Castle Of Glass | B. Wayne

Portrayed by: David Mazouz

Background: The only biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. Was sent to Gotham after Deathstroke killed Ra's Al Ghul and Talia took over the title of Demon Head. Has lived with the Waynes ever since and took up the mantle of Robin. 

Alias: Robin

Age: 15 onwards

Current Status: Alive

Eye color: Emerald Green

Hair color and type: Jet black and properly styled.

Skin color: Tanned Ivory

Height: 5'6" (his height increases to reach 6'0" as he grows up)

Love Interest: None as of yet

Hobbies: Proving himself to be the best, swordfighting, reading, helping his father in any way possible, sketching and painting, annoying Tim and proving to him that he is the favorite son instead, beating criminals to a pulp, hoarding animals everywhere in the Manor, eating basbousa.

Personality: In this story, it has been a few years since Damian came to Gotham and he has started to adjust to his life.

The prominent personality facts about him are as follows:

• Very outspoken. Would always say exactly what he thinks without any filter.

• Reads in his spare time. Has gone through the entire book collections in Bruce's study and also remembers the order the books are placed in. His hobby is sketching too so he keeps a lot of sketchbooks to capture his thoughts and scenes from his daily life.

• Prefers a lot of solitude. But that also means he overthinks everything in his solitary time which can be both a good or a bad thing, depending on what he's going through at that moment.

• Deep down he's grateful that the Waynes accepted him and though his stay was supposed to be temporary, he himself refused to go back to the League.

• Conceals his emotions and feelings from others since he was trained from a very young age to be unbreakable. That doesn't mean he's actually unbreakable but he gives off that impression.

• Very very fond of animals, prefers the company of his pets much more than other people.

• Hates the press. Will easily threaten reporters into staying away from him if they valued their lives and sanity. Is the only Wayne who doesn't get interviewed as much as the rest of his siblings.

• Does not like to be the center of attention. But he definitely likes to have Bruce's attention and strives to be the perfect son so that his father can be proud of him.

• Damian feels like an outcast in his family because his mentality and the way he was raised is very different from the Waynes. But he is slowly coming to terms with their differences and accepting his family fully.

• He does not share his personal problems with anyone and prefers dealing with them on his own.

• When he is pissed off and has to say something he normally wouldn't, he switches to Arabic because only Bruce and Tim can understand him if he speaks his mother tongue. So when Bruce and Tim are around, he resorts to speaking in Mandarin which stopped once he discovered Tim had learned that language too just to annoy him by snapping remarks back in Mandarin as well.

• His first impression might come off as arrogant and standoffish but once he warms up to people, he is not so bad to hang out with.

• It is hard to read his facial expressions because he maintains an emotionless facade like his father. But sometimes when he is feeling vulnerable, the slight flicker in his emerald eyes gives it away.

• He prefers for things not to change and stay the same as he has gotten accustomed to. So when Bruce proposed to his girlfriend Calmia Hardin and she agreed to marry him, Damian wasn't very on board with the decision because that marriage would bring changes into his life too. But he respected his father's decision and eventually came to terms with it.

• Calmia and Damian share Arabic ancestry so they bond over their similar culture as well although things got off to a slightly rough start between them as Dami said something hurtful to her in Arabic which she understood while he didn't know that she could speak the language too.

• But with time, he accepts her as a family member and gets along well with her. He likes to eat basbousa, an Egyptian dessert that Calmia often makes for all of them.

• He is at heart a caring and kind soul but hides it behind his emotionless facade.

Origin story: (follows canon storyline)

The only difference in this story is that Bruce gets married to Calmia Hardin so now Damian also has a stepmother. He has been neutral throughout the story regarding Bruce's decision to get married to Calmia but eventually, he warms up to her and starts respecting her too.


Demon Brat | D. WayneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora