The Shadowy Demon Head [Shatranj]

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Fanfic: Dark Reality Series [Shatranj | D

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Fanfic: Dark Reality Series [Shatranj | D. Wayne]

Portrayed by: Alex Meraz

Background: The only biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. He was not sent to Gotham to live with his father and remained with the League instead, obtaining the title of Head of the Demon Fist and then also becoming the Demon Head.

Alias: Head of the Demon Fist (initially), Demon Head (currently)

Age: 25 onwards

Current Status: Unknown

Eye color: Emerald Green

Hair color and type: Jet-Black and messy.

Skin color: Tanned ivory

Height: 6'2"

Love Interest: Mayrah Shah

Hobbies: Proving himself to be the best, swordfighting, archery, training troops and making sure that the assassins under him are the best, reading, sketching, winning battles, and playing chess.

Personality: This Damian is the grown-up version of the character from Intoxicating Desires. Shatranj is the sequel so it focuses on his adult life whereas the previous book deals with his childhood. Side note, this Damian ended up majorly twisted so apologies in advance.

The prominent personality facts about him are as follows:

• His foremost trait is that he is an excellent strategist. There's not a single battle that he has lost, neither in chess nor in real life.

• Believes in the mentality of to kill or be killed.

• Has a survivor's instinct and he will go to any lengths to make sure that he survives, no matter what price he has to pay for that.

• Not used to affection and being taken care of.

• Deemed by many people around him as being absolutely incapable of experiencing human emotions (except anger, he gets angry a lot and very often).

• He gets jealous very easily and does not like to share things that belong to him.

• He will not think twice before taking a life. He has done it so many times before that it's almost second nature to him.

• He has almost started to believe that he has no conscience and would never feel the guilt of his actions. And that thinking has made him more ruthless and dangerous, according to Talia, a perfect fit to be the Demon Head.

• But of course with immense power and immense abuse of it comes dreadful consequences.

• Since he never met the paternal side of his family, his ideology is extremely different from the Bat vigilantes. And he does not realize his connection to them until it is too late.

• Under him, the League is at the peak of its power but as he often goes against the moral codes of the Bat vigilantes, he gets entangled with them in one last battle of chaos. (Make of this statement what you will, I can not give any more spoilers).

• As the Bat vigilantes oppose him, he too thinks of them as his enemies. And this Damian would go to any lengths to eliminate his enemies.

• Being the excellent strategist that he is, he figured out the chess piece on the Bat vigilantes' side whose demise would cause them the most damage. And he proceeded to eliminate it (sorry not sorry).

• However, every rise has a downfall and this Damian faces his in the form of the only person he had grown to care for.

Origin story: (follows the slightly altered storyline same as the previous version)


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