The Devil In Human Form [Guardian Angel Series]

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Fanfic: The Guardian Angel Series [Damsel, Drunk Texting, Savior]

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Fanfic: The Guardian Angel Series [Damsel, Drunk Texting, Savior]

Portrayed by: Wesley Finn Tucker

Background: The only biological son of Bruce Wayne and Talia Al Ghul. Was sent to Gotham after Deathstroke killed Ra's Al Ghul and Talia took over the title of Demon Head. Has lived with the Waynes ever since and took up the mantle of Robin.

Alias: Robin

Age: 17 onwards

Current Status: Alive

Eye color: Emerald Green

Hair color and type: Deep Brown and slightly messy.

Skin color: Slightly tanned 

Height: 5'11"

Love Interest: Jonathan Kent

Hobbies: Proving himself to be the best, swordfighting, annoying Tim, beating criminals to a pulp, hoarding animals everywhere in the Manor, holding insult contests with Jason, playing the guitar and composing songs (but that's a secret from everyone except Jonathan).

Personality: Damian in this story is seventeen, turning on eighteen hence he is somewhat different from the canon Dami but retains his characteristic attitude and temper.

The prominent personality facts about him are as follows:

• Since by the start of the story he's 17, he hates being the only member of the family who is technically still not an adult. "Just you wait till next year, then I'll be able to defy this stupid concept of adolescence you humans have created."

• He is literally the devil in human form in the sense that he takes great pleasure in annoying each and every member of the family except Alfred.

• Jason hates getting pranked by him because then it is a full on war and when it comes to wars, Damian always wins.

• The only bonding time Jay and Dami have is when a new animal comes to the Manor and they take turns in deciding its name. However, that too can end up in a war.

• He intensely dislikes Tim but that doesn't mean he wouldn't have his back when the need arises.

• He prefers to go on patrol with Richard but on one condition that the elder would not even think of treating him like a child or he will go full barbaric mode on him.

• Steph is his least favorite adoptive sister.

• Most of the family doesn't know that he's dating Jonathan Kent and those who eventually found out couldn't believe it.

• Most likely to start a fight, least likely to end it.

• Painstaking perfectionist and a clean freak. One of the reasons he dislikes Tim is because the latter is messy and according to Damian, Tim lives in a trash can.

• Gets ticked off by loud sounds such as thunder, slamming doors, stomping feet to name a few.

• Can not cook at all.

• He composes songs and plays the tunes on his guitar but no one from the family knows. It's a secret he shared only with Jonathan.

• Somewhat old school when it comes to love. Like for him there's no love at first sight or a raging passion sort of chemistry, instead he cherishes the idea of getting to know someone fully, learn to trust them and then fall in love with them. And not only fall in love with their virtues but also with all their flaws, the little imperfections that make them human.

• Highly protective over his family. Even for Tim but doesn't show it. He once said, "only I get to be violent with Drake, no one else. If anyone else dares to lay a hand on him, I'll chop off the fingers and parcel them back one by one and that's the least dangerous thing I could do to that person."

• Deep down, he cares for Tim more than he cares for the others and that might seem contradictory to you guys so let me explain. He thinks Tim is too likely to sacrifice himself for others' sake and give up so Dami makes sure to give him reasons to keep fighting. [I don't know if that made sense to you guys or not].

• When Tim got severely injured by the end of the series, Damian was probably at the most conflict he has ever dealt with. At that moment, he had to accept that he did care for Tim despite outwardly hating him. Oh how I loved writing that chapter of Savior | T. Drake...

• Has a very deep and thorough thought process. Most of the times, he randomly voices out what he's thinking and it takes the others by shock.

Origin story: (follows canon storyline)


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