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My body froze. I just told him her name was Amber and now I just called her name out loud.

I think the both of them have met before, he sounded very furious when I called her name. Why is their feeling mutual!

My eyes flickered to one thing to another rapidly while he burns holes into my forehead.

"I asked you Abigail." He gritted and took a powerful step forward making me want to see my pants. "Who is Lace?"

I gulped and looked up at him.

"L-lace....lace napkin's. Gabrielle told me to get some lace napkins on my way back and I just remembered them when I saw a lady holding one up." I sputtered, trying to keep my eyes connected for long.

His eyebrows furrowed slightly and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Lace napkins?" He asked, skeptical.

I hummed in response and inwardly sighed in relief.

He examined me for a minute before asking;

"Aren't you going to find your friend anymore?"

"N-no, I'll see her at the apartment later." I told him.

His phone vibrated in his pockets and he rolled his eyes before taking one hand off my waist and picked the call.

"Speak." He demanded in a grumpy tone once he had picked up.

He stared at me while he listen to the person at the other end.

"Ok. I'll be there." He finally responded and hanged up before thrusting the phone into his pockets.

"You're going?" I asked the rhetorical question.

"I don't want to." He said and dipped his head lower, a pout formed on his lips.

I wanted to giggle or at least smile at his face but all I managed was a grimace.

His absurd pout dropped and he cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"Abigail," The way he said my name made shivers and tingles run up my spine. He sounded serious and all I want to do now is crawl into a hole. . . and die. "Is everything okay?"

I gulped and tried to keep eye contact for long.

What is this mutual hatred they had towards each other? I don't understand it. He's an assassin and she's just a way too mature teenage girl who can't control her hormones.

I tried to figure it out as I stared into his grey orbs, the color was fascinating, intriguing. The serious look he was giving me, it made his eyes look familiar. I squinted my eyes and knitted my brows together.

He had light freckles all over his cheeks and nose, barely noticeable. Staring at him this close made me feel like I was staring at. . .

"Baybi? Baybi are you okay?" Payne's deep voice snapped me back to reality.

"Yeah? Y-yeah, I'm fine." I stuttered with a small smile.

He looked at me suspiciously.

"Why were you staring at me like that?" He asked.

"You look so cute up close." I blurted out and he was taken aback, the slightest tinge of pink coating his cheeks.

He cleared his throat and gave me another suspicious look.

"You're not hiding anything from me right? Because I'm bound to find out."

I nodded and he smirked before planting a quick kiss on my lips.

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