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Payne's POV.

"Fuck." Theo muttered running a hand frustratedly down his face.

I gritted my teeth and folded my arms tightly across my chest as I stared blankly at the side of Baybi's head.

How the fuck did I not see that coming? Just how the fuck!

Greg shook his head and clenched his fist tight, probably both annoyed and angry that he didn't even have an idea about this.

"This is fucking insane," Alexander cursed standing up. "It's a general fucking setup."

"We know Xander." Vera said calmly, her long fingers massaging her temple. "What we need right now is a solution, a plan."

I shook my head and stepped forward to the center of the room.

"We don't need a plan." I said, my index finger tapping on my forearm.

"He's right," Baybi said, also standing up. "We don't need a plan."

She bit her lip and stared at the crew, her fingers fidgeting slightly.

"Then what do we need?" Gerard asks.

"The conference room." Greg inputted, his chin propped on his fingers.

"The conference –– Oh! That's right, there has to be a meeting." Alexander exclaimed before standing up.

"Why the conference room?" Vera asked, also standing up.

"Because we have to be a step smarter, we won't go to her." Baybi explained.

"She'll come to us." I finished. "All of them will be coming to us."

As everyone took in the idea, I told Alexander to prepare a meeting in the conference room. Greg and Gerard went to prepare the guns and other things we might need to survive this, while Theo escorted Vera to her room since she couldn't do anything as she is pregnant.

While I'm left with Baybi, I open my arms and she hugs me. I could feel her heart beat slamming into her ribcage and over to mine. She fisted my shirt and tried to breath in and out but was clearly failing. I sighed and slowly wrapped my arms around her waist and propped my chin on her head.

"I'm scared." She whispered.

"I know," I whispered back.

For the first time ever too, I was doubting. Not for me, for her. No one can take my life from me, not if I hand it to them, but what about hers. I've been shaken enough, Lace being manipulated and turned against me.

Maybe I'm not handling this like I'm supposed to, but what am I suppose to do? She hates me and I don't trust her. It's fucked up in many ways than I can count. But Baybi isn't part of this, one way or the other, I'll give my life before I let anyone touch her.

I know there's going to be a blood bath in this mansion. I know Bychkov is going to make hell, I know Andrea is going to try and kill Baybi. I also know I'm going to kill them both tonight.

"I'm not gonna lie to you," I said gripping her sides hard. "It's going to be ugly, very ugly. And I don't know if you can handle it, there'll be gunshots, screams, broken glasses. Massacre. It's not my choice to make, but I'm gonna give you two choices. I'm gonna walk out that door and there's a key behind it. You can either lock yourself up and stay low or come down with me and do this with us. Either way, I swear to God Baybi, I'll protect you with my life and I'll always love you." I said before kissing her head. "I promise."

She sniffled and nodded.

I pulled back and leaned closer before pressing my lips on hers. The kiss went slow, it was emotional but it wasn't goodbye because I'm not gonna die.

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