Chapter 3

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It had been a week – one whole week since we landed here in 1964 London into Brian Epstein's apartment and met The Beatles. We didn't see the boys much, just Brian and sometimes Mal. They thought that we had nothing to do with them, so they went about their business, forgetting us. It was a bit saddening, especially since they were my idols and I was still in complete shock about meeting them, but I feared that if I was around them I would be too awkward. Kylie was still quite reserved, but she was getting better. Ben was a little bit angry about everything. Jack was just a scared little boy, and Jenny and I tried to be as motherly as possible to him. Peter, Ethel and Adam were normal, just still trying to get used to the situation, like we all were.
"I want to go out," Adam said abruptly one day as we all sat around reading and playing games.
"Absolutely not," Brian objected, "You don't want to alter history. That, and you're not used to 1964 London."
"We'll be fine, Brian."
"No, you cannot leave this house."
"But I want to explore! I've always wanted to go to the UK."
"Well take a holiday when you return home!"
"I won't be taking a holiday anywhere, I'll be going off to a war where I'll probably die!"

No one said anything after the uncomfortable remark.
"I just want to live before I die at twenty-two," Adam said sadly.
"A lot of people survived the Vietnam War," I tried to comfort him, "You might."
He just got up and stormed off to the bathroom, locking himself in.
"Is the war that bad?" Jenny asked me.
I nodded.
"Well you lot understand me, don't you?" Brian asked, "You know how dangerous and risky it is to be out on the streets in a foreign place and time."
"Yeah, but I still want to see everything," I said. Brian gave me a disapproving look.
"Not even chaperoned with you?" Ben advocated.
"No, I'm sorry, but it is still too dangerous. What would the implications be if you ran into a relative or something before you were even meant to be born?"
We gave up trying to convince Brian to take us out. He had a pretty strong argument.

Later that night, Brian came home bearing some foldup tables.
"The boys are coming over tonight for dinner to discuss some managerial issues," he told us, "Of course there's not enough seating for thirteen of us."
Peter helped Brian set up the tables, placing them at the end of the dining room table. Brian fetched some plastic chairs and placed them around the table.
"But 'the boys' don't like us, do they?" Ben said.
"Now, don't be like that," Brian sighed, "They just don't have enough time on their hands to be spending time with you."
"But they even said we're not their responsibility."
"Well I can see where they're coming from, of course – you've all crash-landed here, in my apartment. They really have nothing to do with you."
"But they were the ones who were here when we landed. Paul took an inventory of us, not you. They seemed pretty interested."
"I really think it was just fascination that you had all time-travelled."
"They know that I'm their biggest fan, from 2012, forty-eight years into the future, and they don't care to stick around?" I interjected.
"Like I said…" Brian fumbled for my name.
"Sophie," Ben offered.
"Yes, Sophie, uh, like I said, Sophie, they're very busy. They're at the height of their fame right now, which I'm sure you are extremely aware of. Now chop-chop, let's get ready. The boys will be over soon."
Ben and I walked away and Ben turned around to retort, "You think that after a week you'd know our names by now."

We walked into the living room (which was actually our bedroom) where everyone else was lounging around. Kylie was nowhere to be seen, nor was Adam.
"That was a bit rude," Peter commented.
"Yeah, I know, but he's right," I said, "They are very busy at this time."
"What does it matter if they visit us or not?" Jenny asked.
"I don't know, but it would be nice, wouldn't it?" Ben replied, "After all, they kind of settled us in when we first arrived. It's like a midwife not doing check-ups on a newborn baby."
That was a good comparison.
"But we don't need them. We're fine by ourselves. Brian fetches us stuff when we need it and there are always seven other people to talk to," said Jenny.
"Yeah, but don't you feel a little bit excited about knowing celebrities now?" I asked, "Especially The Beatles?"
"Barely anyone knows who they are where I'm from."
"But they're huge now, and pretty much will be for the rest of forever."
"They're that big?"
Jenny looked around in questioning; Peter, Ben, Ethel and I nodded.
"1964 is where it all starts for them," I commented.

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