Chapter 14

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As agreed, Peter and I never told Ethel and Ringo, no matter how much they begged. As soon as Mal dropped us off at Ringo's, they wanted to know what had happened. Of course, they all knew about the sleeping drugs in the tea and the attempted (more like successful) touching, but that's about it. Not long after we arrived, Brian came down hurriedly and concernedly to ask us what the big emergency was. He was furious with John, the first apart from Mal to show that much anger towards him. Brian was not happy at all. He nearly took off to Kenwood to confront John but we convinced him not to. John's attitude towards it was strange.

"I can't believe he would do that," a Welsh accent cut through the room.
"Oh, it's believable, Ethel," I retorted.
"I feel so violated," Peter admitted, "I can't believe he would drug me with something so innocent as tea."
"There's something else I can't believe he did," I grumbled but Peter shot me a 'you didn't want them to know' look.
"Even I'm in shock," Ringo admitted, "John's done some pretty stupid things before but this takes the cake."
I wondered how the conversation over at George's house was going. Mal and Kylie would be filling them in. Ben would be bloody ropable, being a protective newfound-uncle. Adam and Jenny wouldn't be too happy either.

I glanced over at Jack, sitting silently in an armchair in the corner. This must be a bit much for him. I knew he always heard what was going on. His little nine-year-old mind must be swimming with confusion (did I mention it's his amended birthday in five days?). I abandoned the conversation to approach my adoptive son.
"Hey buddy, you alright?" I asked, perching on the arm of the chair.
"Yeah, I'm doing okay," he said softly. He seemed a bit upset. I don't blame him - he lives with eight adults/teenagers!
"Do you want to do something special?" I asked him.
"Like what?" he finally looked up at me, seeming a bit cheerier.
"Oh, I don't know, go to the playground?"
"Yes please!"
"Alright, get your shoes on."
I really was like a mother to him.

Jack, Peter and I walked to the park that was not far from the apartment building. Jack sprinted to the playground immediately. Peter and I sat on a bench and watched him. There never were moments just hanging out with Peter - this was a rarity.
"How are you feeling?" he asked. I knew he was talking about the incident with John.
"I'm alright," I responded halfheartedly, "A famous Beatle just had sex with me while I was asleep, but I'm alright."
"Was it your first time?" he asked the awkward question. Well, an explanation into that answer would open up a whole other can of worms. I knew they all strongly suspected about Ben and I doing it, given the plausible proof. The only person I actually confirmed it to was Jenny. I made a snap decision to tell Peter everything. He was like a father figure to me and I knew I could trust him.
"Peter, if I tell you all about my love life will you promise to A, not tell anyone and B not judge me?" I asked him.
"Of course," he replied sincerely.
"And I mean anyone, not Brian, no one. No one else knows the whole truth."
"I promise."

I took a deep breath. I know he promised not to but I knew he was about to seriously judge me - and I couldn't blame him one bit.
"Well, I know you all kind of suspected about me and Ben that night after the party - and it's true. We slept together. Ben doesn't really remember it; he was so drunk at the time. So basically I lost my virginity in 1964 in an apartment with seven other people there - I never thought that would be a truth."
"And I'm guessing that was the first and only time you and Ben got together," he supposed.
"Right," I confirmed, giving him a look asking how he knew.
"I've seen what's going on, Soph. First you two tried to hide your relationship. We knew. You seemed happy and it was pretty adorable. Then something changed after the party. We can see through your facade. You try to keep it up but it's obvious there's no real passion there."
"I try to make an effort but it's like Ben doesn't want to try anymore," I sighed, "I guess the whole incident was too awkward for us. It is a little awkward, admittedly, but I'm trying to move past it. Ben seems to still be hung up on it."
"Maybe you should give him some space. He'll come around."
"If I leave him alone we'll just drift apart. I'm dead scared about what his reaction will be like to the rest of it."
"Surely he will understand about John - that wasn't your fault."
"The other one was."

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