Chapter 12

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I'm not about to complain. Actually, I am. I had done something I could only imagine possible in my dreams - I had slept with a Beatle. George Harrison, specifically. A bathroom wasn't exactly the ideal place, but George was not waiting around for a better opportunity. To be honest, I hate myself for it. I didn't know if Ben and I were still together but, if we were, what I just did was considered blatant cheating. I didn't even want to go through with it. I'm not the type to just show off my naked body to anyone (don't say it), let alone let them get intimate with me. I'm just not very comfortable with it. In less than three days I had slept with two different people. I guess it shows the power of alcohol. Last night's party was one I'd rather forget.

In a dark room sometimes it's easy to forget that you are not alone. I tossed about restlessly and loudly. I screamed into my pillow but it obviously didn't muffle the sound enough. For a moment I forgot that six other people were in the room with me trying to sleep also.
"Sophie, what's the matter?" Kylie asked from next to me. I wasn't going to admit to what I had done, especially when it had happened a mere two days after my incident with Ben. Kylie didn't even know about that. It's a true surprise that mine and George's covert bathroom operation had gone completely unnoticed - it happened in the middle of the party, for Christ's sake! George was pretty intoxicated. I doubted if he even remembered it. That would be better, actually. Spare me the embarrassment.
"Nothing," I responded to Kylie's question.
"Oh, really? You've been acting strange since the party."
"That's because she-," Adam started from somewhere in the darkness before I cut him off.
"Which party?" I interjected.
"Last night's," Kylie clarified. Phew – she wasn't referring to the incident with Ben but rather the one with George.
"Well if I remember correctly, you were pretty M.I.A. for most of it," I retorted. That ought to shut her up. Keep her from finding out my indiscretions by finding out hers instead. She didn't respond.
"Yeah, where were you?" Ben spoke up, his protective uncle side coming out. I literally hadn't heard him speak in three days, not since our intimate moment.
"I was here," she lied. We all knew that wasn't true.
"You didn't even sleep here last night," I pointed out.
"Yeah, well, I was tired and you guys were being too loud so I crashed at Ringo's."
'Crashed'... sometimes it was too convenient that Ringo lived downstairs. The night of the party we all went to sleep in Brian's apartment as per usual... except for Kylie. She turned up the next morning and I could only make my own horrific assumptions. It wasn't that I didn't like Ringo (come on, he was a Beatle), but I still wasn't comfortable with their relationship.

Somehow I knew Kylie was heading for a fall with Ringo. It's obvious I don't have anything against the oldest Beatle but I knew them being in a relationship was not a good idea. They were from different eras, for one. And I knew about Ringo and Maureen and the fact that they were getting married in five months (though they themselves didn't know it yet). Unless... Kylie had changed history. I only hoped she and Ringo hadn't done something they will regret... Sophie, you hypocrite! You had done the same with George and with Ben.

The next morning it was September 23, two days after the party. Brian was home (a rarity) and the boys were taking a short break from performing and recording. They were currently in the middle of recording Beatles for Sale. Everyone was sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast. It was not often that all nine of us had breakfast together. There was a knock on the door and then it opened to reveal Ringo. I quickly glanced at Kylie to see her face brighten slightly.
"Hey guys, I thought I'd just stop by to say hello," he said. Moving further into the apartment it was revealed that he was not alone. Maureen was standing behind him.
"Good morning Ringo, Maureen," Brian greeted. Maureen waved bashfully at the rest of us. Ringo didn't even bother introducing us to her.
"We're off to visit me mum for the day," Ringo explained.
"Well have fun," enthused Brian.
The short Beatle turned around to peck Maureen on the lips before waving goodbye and leaving. Glancing at Kylie again I saw her expression morph into one of sadness. She can't say I didn't warn her. As we all knew about their relationship, the rest of them cautiously glanced at Kylie as well. It was obvious she was trying to ignore us and hide her feelings.

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