Chapter 8

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"I just need to talk to you, Soph," Kylie said as she ushered me into our usual conversation space, Ethel's bedroom.
I could not fathom, in my mind, how shy Kylie could be making out with Ringo Starr, a major celebrity. Sure, maybe she didn't know them like I did (a one-sided relationship up until now) but still. I just found it hard to believe, that's all. Kylie just didn't seem like that type. Also, she reacted very badly to being brought here to 1964 in the first place, so I thought forming a relationship would be the last thing on her mind. I never would have picked her as a Ringo-lover. As a Beatles fan (even though she's not), I would predict Paul or John to be her favourites. I'm not even going to bother going on about Maureen. I do know what the boys are like with their ladies and I did not want to question it.

"You're angry, aren't you?" she questioned, "Please don't be. I'm sorry if I upset a time continuum or something."
"I'm not angry," I said, "I'm just a little upset that you didn't mention it to me."
"It's only a very recent thing. There wasn't really an earlier time I could tell you."
"There must've been something earlier. You and Ringo didn't just walk up to each other one day and start making out. I never picked you for a Ringo fan."
"Well not long after we got here we just had a little chat and got to know each other better. I discovered that he's pretty nice. I don't really know what happened from there but the other day he just suddenly kissed me and I liked it."
"How long after?"
"A few days, a week maybe."
"Was that when you started perking up and talking to us?"
"I remember the exact moment!" I exclaimed, "You went to the toilet - was Ringo there with you?"
"Yeah I think that's when it happened. And Sophie… I didn't know about Maureen."
"Yes, you did. I told you. I gave you a brief recap on everything. You knew what was going to happen to them in January!"
"Yeah, but I didn't know it was current. You didn't really tell me when it all started with them."
"It's not really you I'm angry at for that, it's Ringo. It's what the guys do, I know, but witnessing it is just unsettling."
"I just don't see what the big deal is about me and Ringo, Sophie."
"Look at it this way - you're from a completely different century. Ringo's six years older than you. What if you had a fight? It could get awkward for not just you but everyone, especially since we're all living here together, pretty tightly packed."
"I can see your point, but I just don't know how it's that complicated. All we were doing was kissing. And I'm sorry for not mentioning anything to you."

It was time to drop the whole topic. Ringo and Kylie were really none of my business (besides the fact that they actually were). It wasn't just me who was slightly outraged by the recent developments, though.
"Right," I said, "Sorry for going off at you. I really need to stop doing that. But before you throw this back in my face and say I didn't tell you anything about Ben, there is literally nothing to tell."

I wasn't going to mention the recent developments of five minutes ago.
"Yeah, I know, I'm sorry," she apologised, "I must've made it uncomfortable for you two."
"It's fine."
We had made up, just like I knew we would.

I needed to talk to Brian. I was going stir crazy being cooped up in here all the time. He needed to let us out. I'd only been out about twice.
"Brian, I need to talk to you," I marched up to him as he was talking to Ringo.
"Uh, yes, Sophie?" he questioned.
"I'm not coping well with being stuck in this apartment twenty-four/seven."
"Twenty four hours a day, seven days a week," I cleared up, "I need to get out more!"
"Well, Sophie, you know how dangerous it can be, if you get lost or whatnot-."
"Not if you come with us! Or any one of you could take us!"
"Oh, no, it would be even worse if you went out with the boys. Do you want to be attacked by screaming girls, do you? That's what happens, you know. Look, I just don't think it's safe."
"I bet everyone else will agree with me."
I swung around to go and talk to the rest of them. Everyone seemed to be in the living room (also known as our bedroom). Kylie was sitting with Adam, closely watching Ben as he played a hand game with Jack. Ethel and Jenny were having a discussion on the lounge suite and Peter was reading an atlas. I stood at the doorway and cleared my throat to get their attention. They all eventually looked up at me.

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