Chapter 20

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"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jenny; happy birthday to you!"
She blew out the candles on the two cheesecakes Ethel made (as there were fourteen of us, two was necessary). Two days after Christmas and it was the day before Jenny's 'age up date' – the day she becomes another year older relevant to the exact age she was when arriving here and the arrival date. She was turning 31. As a gift, Brian took Jenny shopping for some new outfits earlier this morning – Kylie and I tagged along. Now we were having a family lunch and cake. Family included The Beatles this time. We had the party the day before her actual age up date because it was the one night where the boys did not have a Christmas show to perform. Even John was here, which was unusual, as he didn't visit often. Ever since everyone found out about the incident, he hasn't exactly been welcome. But I just chose to ignore him, and he ignored me – it was fine.

I sat at the large dining table eating my piece of cheesecake. Kylie was also sitting there and Adam was talking to Paul at the other end of the table. George, his second helping in hand, sidled into the chair next to me.
"How's she treating you?" he whispered; it was a little difficult to comprehend his whispers with his accent.
"Who?" I asked.
"The baby."
"I'm just guessing it's a girl."
"Well," I huffed, putting my fork down, "He or she seems to have an appetite for fatty and sugary foods. Just like their mother, I guess."
George chuckled at this.
"Still having morning sickness?"
"It's getting better."
"That's good."
It seemed George really did care about me. At least he could show it to my face unlike Ben. George had tried to assure me before that he was there for me and I didn't believe him, mainly because I was angry with Ben. But I was starting to believe that George was being genuine.
"I've been thinking, Soph," he whispered, "If the baby is mine..."
I quickly shushed him, slammed my cutlery down and stood up, dragging him away. Kylie looked concerned and confused. I hoped she hadn't heard that last part.

I dragged George by the bicep to the laundry (it looked less suspect than the bedroom). This required passing through the living area where some glanced at us in confusion.
"Can you have some subtlety please?" I implored him in the laundry, "Kylie could've heard you."
"Sorry," he apologised, "She doesn't know yet?"
"No, only Peter and Jenny know."
"And Ringo."
"What?" I snapped, crossing my arms.
"I may have told him," he flinched.
"George! How could you? That wasn't your thing to tell!"
"Yes it was. I only told him we slept together. He put two and two together. It gives us something else to bond over. We're both facing the prospect of being fathers."
So long as Ringo didn't spread the news around, I could deal with another being in the know.
"Anyway, as I was saying," he continued, "If I am the father of the baby, I'd like to help out."
"Help out how?" I asked quickly.
"I'll pay for everything. I'll help you look after it. You could move in with me."
I was gobsmacked. I could not believe George Harrison was offering all these things to me, asking me to live with him.
"What about Pattie?" I asked, my mouth dry.
"I'll tell her and she'll understand our predicament."
"She would not understand! You cheated on her. She's not going to be too happy about that."
"It will be what's right. My child will come first."
Well shit, he was really taking responsibility for this. I was starting to struggle breathing.
"How are we going to find out the truth?" I queried, "We won't know for sure."
"If they have thick brown hair, it will most likely be mine."
I looked at him incredulously before pointing out, "So do John and Ben."
"Yeah... well... I will know."
"I want to finish my cheesecake."

I marched back to the dining room, arms still crossed, sort of annoyed and sort of amazed. Kylie, Paul and Adam all looked at me expectantly as I entered the room. I bet they were all wondering why I needed to drag George away for a secret little conversation. I plonked myself down and continued with my cheesecake as if I'd never left.
"What was that about?" Kylie asked.
"George just wanted to ask me something," I said – mouth full of cheesecake – with a nonchalant wave of my fork.
I could see her eyes narrowing. Please do not work it out. Please let me suffer in silence as I agonise over my shitty situation.

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