Chapter 7

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There was no way I saw it coming. She was just so... so... quiet and reserved and did not seem at all interested in forming relationships, especially with people six years her senior. Being in 1964 didn't sit well with her. So, naturally, it was a complete shock when I walked in on Kylie and Ringo locking lips on Brian's bed. You'd think that, since she is my best friend, she might have mentioned something about being in a relationship or at least having feelings for someone, but I literally had no idea.

It was the beginning of July, almost three months since our arrival in 1964. Everyone was recovering from Ringo's 24th birthday party the night before (it was very strange to be celebrating a Beatle's birthday with them). He had another more official party tomorrow – we'd had one just with ourselves at Ringo and George's apartment downstairs, as no one outside Brian, George, Paul, Ringo, John and Mal knew about us. I was putting Brian's clean clothes away in his room (we all helped with the housework) when I interrupted the two of them. They instantly pulled away, looking guilty (as they should). In addition to being shocked, I also felt awkward having witnessed it.
"What's going on?" I asked slowly.
"Sophie, Ringo and I-," Kylie started to explain before I cut her off.
"Were just kissing, I could see that."
"If you let me finish, I was going to say that we were just having a casual relationship."
"Oh, is that so? You've never seemed like a casual relationship type person, Kylie. Does Maureen know about this, Richard?"
"Uh..." he fumbled.
"Who?" Kylie jerked her head towards Ringo.
"I've told you about her, Kylie."
"Yeah, but I thought she didn't come into the picture until next year when they-."
I immediately shushed her quite aggressively to prevent Ringo from hearing his future. Kylie really had a problem with blurting out things that haven't happened yet.
"No, Kylie, Ringo and Maureen are together right now. At this very moment."
"It's not serious," Ringo tried to lie to me, but my knowledge told me otherwise. I always thought Ringo was the most faithful partner of the four of them. I guess I was wrong.

I left the room, still shaken about what was happening. Kylie had somehow come out of her shell enough to start a 'casual relationship' with Ringo – did I mention that he's six years older than her? Also, Ringo is cheating on Maureen! As I entered the lounge area, I must've looked dazed or something because Jenny asked me what was wrong. I could not formulate a proper answer. Eventually I managed to squeak out, "Kylie and Ringo... they're... together."
Anyone who heard had now stopped what they were doing and were looking at me, wearing expressions of shock that I'm sure was also plastered on my own face.
"How do you know?" Adam asked.
"I literally just caught them in the act," I exasperatedly told them, pointing back at the bedroom.
"In what act, exactly?" Ben asked, slowly standing up with his hands out defensively.
"Just kissing, don't worry."
"Kylie and Ringo, seriously?" Peter questioned in disbelief.
"Yeah, exactly!"

Speak of the devil, the two in the guilty party entered the room abashedly. Everyone looked at them for an explanation. Even little Jack seemed to know that something was not right about the situation. Brian and Paul entered the room, right into the stare-fest. They looked between Ringo and Kylie and the rest of us, on opposite sides of the room.
"Is something going on that I should know about?" Brian asked cautiously.
"We'll let them explain," I said, not taking my eyes off the lip-locking duo. Everyone now stared at them expectantly, waiting for an explanation.
"It's no big deal, really," Ringo finally broke the silence on their end, shrugging nonchalantly.
"It is a big deal when you keep this kind of thing hidden whilst we're all under one roof," Jenny said.
"How could you not tell me?" I asked Kylie, now upset about being kept in the dark.
"Well you didn't tell me about you and Ben!" she shot back, which really startled and confused me.

"What?!" Ben and I both exclaimed in unison.
"There is nothing going on," Ben was quick to reassure her, "I don't know where you get the idea that something is happening between us, but it's not."
It was true. Ben and I were not in any kind of secret relationship, unlike Ringo and Kylie.
"Yeah, exactly!" I agreed.
"Puh-lease," she retorted, "You two are always together, and you look at each other strangely."
"No we don't!" we both refuted and looked at each other at the same time. The look he gave me was enough to be considered 'strange'. I then realised that the way I may be looking at him could also fit into that category. Kylie raised one eyebrow as if to say "see?"

Did we really look at each other like that? It was true, I find Ben attractive and very, very kind but I never thought that he would have similar feelings for me... not- oh, no. He does. Oh, of course he does! It's the reason he was so hell-bent on protecting me from George! Wow, I suddenly felt warm and fuzzy. Someone had feelings for me? And in return I had feelings for them? This was a new experience.
"This is about you, Kylie," I mentally brushed aside the topic, "Do you know how complicated this is going to be? You're from 2009 and Ringo's from 1964."
"What's the fuss, Sophie?" Ringo piped up, defending himself, "If Kylie and I want to kiss, we will. That's all it was, really. It was only like the fourth time."
I cooled down a bit after this. I really needed to stop having these outbursts. I guess a lot of things just irked me. It didn't help that I was cooped up all the time in this small apartment with a lot of other people.

After the argument died down (and Brian realised what was going on – "Oh, Richard, she's only a young girl!") I started pondering the awkwardness of what she had said about Ben and me. I didn't want to accept the fact that he was utterly adorable and the thought of someone thinking of me in that way made me slightly uncomfortable. I slunk into one of the armchairs. Looking up, I caught Ben's eye from across the room and immediately looked away. I was luckily saved when Jack approached me for a story. He loved books and being read to. He was clutching in his hand Green Eggs and Ham, a classic by Dr. Seuss. He leapt onto my lap and we read together. I was trying to avoid the glances from the nineteen-year-old across the room (who was simultaneously conversing with Paul and Adam) but soon became engrossed in the story and the dear little boy who was currently on my lap.

When we finished the book, Jack thanked me (so sweet) and rushed off to read it again with Jenny this time. Ben sauntered over, something I was hoping to avoid.
"You're great with him," he commented, "You'd make a pretty good mother."
"Uh, thank you," I awkwardly responded in a questioning tone. I was unsure as to whether that was a compliment or what. Ben suddenly looked nervous.
"Uh, Sophie, what do you think of me?" he asked, quite seriously. I could feel my face flush as I snapped my head to look at him. We had that eye contact that Kylie talked about.
"Well, you're really nice," I replied, trying not to be awkward, "Actually, you're fantastically kind, which I find to be an attractive and advantageous trait. When I first saw you, I was unsure about your personality, but that was just because I was taken aback by your eighties outfit, which I'm not used to and kind of associated with bad boys. But I've learnt how wrong my judgment was. You're also kind of the peacekeeper around here."
We both chuckled a little.
"So, I guess that means you like me back?" he said.
"What?" I immediately questioned, slightly alarmed.
"Sophie, you're gorgeous, and hilarious, and I find you highly amusing, especially when you gloat over your knowledge of these guys. I like the way you interact with most of us, especially Jack, though your rants could be toned down a bit. Really, Sophie, do you have no idea what I'm proposing?"
"You like me?" I choked.
"Yes, silly! Isn't it obvious? So, do you like me too?"
"I guess."
"I'll take that as a definite yes."
We smiled at each other and soon Kylie had called me over. I was unsure whether I had a boyfriend now or not.

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