Chapter 6

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Brian had agreed. On the quiz, I mean. It seemed everyone found great amusement in the fact that I knew so much about the boys that they wanted to test just how well I knew them. I don't think they themselves thought I was a great as I claimed. Maybe they found it hard to believe that a stranger from the far future knew so much about them – every little detail. The date had been set for the last Saturday of May, the thirtieth. Brian had forbid us to study, not that I needed to, and I sure hope the boys did not need to either. In actual truth, I was nervous. Not about whether or not I would beat them, but about the fact that I was going head to head with the Fab Four concerning information about them. Sure, I had gotten used to being in 1964 and personally knowing them, but I didn't want to embarrass myself by showing off my intense knowledge about them. They could either be impressed or they could be disturbed – I only hoped it was the former.

We all congregated in Brian's dining room that Saturday evening. John, George, Paul, Ringo and I sat at one end of the table, but with myself seated opposite the four of them. Brian took the place of game master at the other end. Everyone else (including Mal) was sitting in chairs around the edge of the room. Peter was tasked with scorekeeping. I think the boys were trying to psych me, because they kept giving me weird looks (George and John especially). It made me uncomfortable. All the information and knowledge was draining from my head... my heart began to race… it wasn't nerves – it was the way George was looking at me. I awkwardly cleared my throat.
"Uh, Brian, could you please forbid the opposing side from giving their opponents intimidating looks?" I asked.
"Well, if it makes you feel more comfortable Sophie," Brian said, "Boys, you are hereby prohibited from throwing Sophie any intimidating looks."
Slowly, George tore his gaze away from me and towards Brian, who was about to begin.
"Right," he started, "We are all gathered here today to witness-."
"It's not a wedding, Brian!" John interjected but Brian ignored him and continued on with his speech.
"We are all gathered here today to witness the competition of knowledge between Sophie, a young 2012 native, and The Boys, a current day team consisting of John, Ringo, Paul and George, who are commonly known as The Beatles. There will be eighteen questions-," Is that all? I thought, "covering the topics The Beatles and information on each individual team member. Each contestant, or contestants in The Boys' case, has a buzzer, borrowed from my friends at ITV. Whoever is quickest to buzz in gets to answer first, and I'm sure you know the rest of the rules, so let's get playing!"

I had my hand on the buzzer, ready to answer. We were all looking at Brian but I could see George sneaking glances at me out the corner of my eye.
"First question," Brian announced, taking his time, "Who sings lead on 'Chains'?"
Both of the buzzers were pressed at exactly the same time. Brian didn't know whom to call out so he instructed that we both say our answers in unison.
"George!" Paul and I called whilst George himself called out "Me!"

"You can each get half a point," Peter decided.
"Alright, next question," Brian continued, "On what date is A Hard Day's Night – the film – set to be released?"
I had to think about this one. I wasn't that knowledgeable, with the dates and all. Just as I was about to buzz in with an approximate guess, Paul had tapped his buzzer.
"It's July, isn't it Brian?" he said.
"Yes, yes it is July. Do you know what date?"
Nobody did. Brian was forced to give the point to the boys as the answer was halfway correct and I didn't have an answer.

"Third question. What is Ringo's birthdate?"
Surprisingly, I had hit the buzzer before Ringo himself had, which was quite shameful for him.
"July seventh?" I gave my answer.
This caused the other boys to give Ringo some strife about not knowing his own birthday quickly enough.
"Alright, alright, next question, boys," Brian called them to attention, "Who wrote 'Twist and Shout'?"
I buzzed in with "Phil Medley and… someone!"
"Quite correct, Sophie, but only half," Brian had judged.
"Russell!" John buzzed in, "What's-his-face Russell!"
"Bert Russell, and I'll give you that."
Yet again, we each received half a point. Brian liked to trick us, as proven by the next question – what song does Ringo sing on the upcoming album A Hard Day's Night?
"None!" I buzzed in and gave my answer.
"Ey, we 'aven't finished recording it yet!" John protested, "Still got a few more songs to record this week!"
"Yes, but we know who's singing on those, and it sure ain't Ringo!" Paul told him.

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