C for crescent moon

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This is it. The new school. It's gonna blow.

I am Adelaya Shizuka and I am your avarage emo/goth chick. Everybody calls me weird. Why? Well besides my snow white hair , sea blue eyes and very pale skin, my personality is equivalent to a wakko. I come from the orphanage, but, to other people, it never did or will matter, no matter what. Apperently, my parent were killed by some psycho, but I don't remember, maybe 'cuz I was three or whatever. Meh. Luckily, it's not just me who is little bit off. Okay, we are crazy. Like a LOT. But, as the headmaster said:" Be crazy. Be stupid. Be silly. Be weird. Be whatever. Because life is to short to be anything but happy." Ah, what can I say? That old man was right. On to my crew,yes?

Andrew Sillas. Our eyeryday fool. Nobody saw his face and quoting him:" Ain' nobody who will see this awesomeness" What a cocky dunderhead. He usualy wore a red hoodie and  blacksweatpants, and acts like a dumbass. But he's nice... when we force him to be... he he.

Next off, James Warcarlos. He has several nicknames such as: „Pothead", „Stoner" even „Smoker"- a very often pun since he looked like Smoker from a zombie game- and so on. The reason for this is... well... you can tell from the nicknames. He ALWAYS had a cigarette or whatever in his mouth, he even talked with it! Once, his parents caught him, back when he was fifteen, and they send him to helping center. Not even one week passed and we found him smoking his own front yard grass! We still make fun of him. He wears a red shirt and black jeans, and tends to have messy blonde hair. And he's our everyday goodie two shoes.

Then there's Juliet Besbach. She a bit tsundere, and usualy a sour piss poor mood, but always there for us. She wears red tank top and black shorts. Funny thing is, she was once popular chick, but then something went off and she's been like this since. She has purple hair and golden tan.

And finaly, Simon Dunfang. He is truly a wakko. He acts like a mad man, and he kinda is. He has orange hair and really dark skin, almost black. He wears red undershirt and black baggy pants.

And together we are 赤 の 死 [aka no shi(red death)].

Red death was typical rock/pop/industrial band. We published a song or cover whenever we could. And after that, he had a beer (or two) and then went home. Truly a great memory.

As I was saying, I was giong to a brand new school, and I don't like it. First this I notice, is the smell of alcohol, it REEKED of it. Perhaps Jack. Maybe, maybe baby. As I walk, some chick started shouting 'give me more alcohl', clearly she was drunk. And then I see a familiar frontman of  青の市 [ao no ichi (city of blue)]. And the hunk of man, they him call Micro-ice. He has black, emo styled hair, blue and black checkered T-shirt which looked tight. Almost to tight, but his crew is missing. I walk up to him. „Hey, Adelaya, long time no see! How are you '赤い死神 ' [akai shinigami (red death god)]. Wow, you look gorgeous with that outfit.", he said. I blush, I mean, who wouldn't, a hot guy is coming with a new line like this one every day. I can bet I was red like my tank top, which was scarlet red. Time flows by slowly and awfully boring, until the final bell ringed though the school. I was FREE... for today... FUUUUUUUH!!!!! Micro, or when we are alone Silas, walks up to me, oh my, o my, o mama, oh shit! „Hey there you are, I was wondering if you would go out for a cup of coffee or maybe I don't know, haha", said he. But his laugh is more than ray of light, it's like I'm in from of Heavely Yard. But I reply with: „Sorry I'm going to visit him . Maybe another time, m'kay?" He just nodded, understanding the situation. I walk into flower store, buy some lilies and start walking towards the graveyard. Well it used to be graveyard but somebody removed the 'G' and now it's just 'RAVEYARD'. It always gives me a good laugh. I walk toward a certain tombstone.

Here lies Genesis Zaan

Born may 16 1995

Died june 19 2015

I lay flowes next to his eternal bed. We'll meet again, for sure. Genesis was like a part of my soul. We were planing to get married too, but now we can't. It's been two years since he passed away. I stand still in front of his grave. The wind was swaying my hair to one side, then to another. I close my eyes and picture him close to me. „I love you so much", the wind whispered, as if to imitate his voice, as to imitate him. And I let it... and it hurts... so much... He dosen't know how much I miss him smile, his hug, voice... all of it... I miss him.  I walk to my home 'cuz, it's really late, and the first one gets a warm shower. After the shower all of us ate dinner and went to sleep. Tommorow... I don't like it... I'm scared of dying or worse... never waking up but be truly alive. I belive that's my fate... Goodnight Genesis.

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