O for Oath pt 5

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The following morning was in rush, everybody is running! I mean, imagine this: I stand in the middle, and people just rush left and right, like in the comedy movies! I go to building 3, only to see Ba-chan wearing A SWIMSUIT?!? Now I have seen everything! „ Ah, dearie, why aren't you packed? We are going on a trip, hehe. Now, get ready, we are leaving soon. By the way, do you have a car and a licence to drive it?", I look at her, still trying to proces things... Wait, WE HAVE VACATIONS?!? Ok, cool. I nod, well, I have my brothers Hummer and Camaro, so I can drive them both. I go in my building, pack some shirts, shorts, hats, and my bikini.why does that word remind me of Bikini Bottom from Sponge Bob. Ah, those were the times. After I wear some leggings and T-Shirt that says : How's goin' bros, my name is _____, I grab the keys and the bag, walk outside and open the garage. In the were two black cars, I take the Camaro, 'cuz he has most of the fuel. Like a boss. Where are we going? Meh, don't care. After hours of driving, 6 pee-pee breaks and 4 meal breaks, we go to a spa... Really, Ba-chan? I get inside, and a lovely lady gives me a white kimono with black sash and hakama. Where have I seen this before? Don't care. She also gives me the keys, and I am in room 69. Atticus loves that number, him being demon and all. I get inside my room and though the window, I can see probably the most loveliest sakura garden I've ever seen. I dress up in the kimono they gave me, and went out for a walk. As I walk, I see Genesis, smiling, and even waveing to me. I close my eyes. I must be hallucinating, he died. I open my eyes, and he's gone. I sigh, this will happen oftenly, I can feel it. I turn around and I see three large males, they look like giants! They try to catch me, I fight, and I lose...

Brothers dear, you didn't warn me about them...


Somebody removes the sack from my head, and I look around. It's dark, I can't see most of the things. „ Thank you, gentlemen. That would be all.", oh no, it's Ralph! „ I do apologise this. They may not be gentle, but they are my men. So, with what shall we go first? The whip? The hammer? Or something else? Let's begin with whip, shall we?" He starts to mumble thing and I don't like it. I look up, my hands are tied by the chains. I look behind, I legs are tied by the same. We walks behind me with a maniacal smile. „ Let's begin, Adelaya", that's the only thing I heard as the screams began. After hours, even days I can't feel my back, nor my legs. Somebody, anybody... Genesis...


Crown of ThornesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora