W for Wrath

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I forgot about time. How long has it been? My stay here, that is. Has it been five years, six even... I don't know. If I look down, I'll see my ribs. If I look up, I'll see thin hands, clinging to the chains. Are those mine? I don't recall them like that. I don't even remember what things look like. Sun, Moon, food, Ba-chan, Ceto... but never Genesis. Or Silas. Which one is which, again? I forgot. The thing that I am oftenly reminded of is pain. The sweet, numbing pain. I lost the count, of scars. There are many, but how many? Maybe I should just... fade, without a trace. Maybe the Heavenly Yard. I heard that it's nice, up there. Something is sparkling below, and I look down. Spheres, and they are floating away, and they shift, into what? They form into people, they people I forgot about. Who are they? „ Child, you have forgoten of us so soon?", a man, with long black hair , funny clothing and teary face whispers. A group of same clothed people sob, and a boy, with a face of an angel came to me. Am I going up there? „ Adelaya"- he says emotionally-„ Is this his dream.? His toy? Did he do all of this to you?"- I nod-„ Come back. 帰 れ [Kaere (Come back)]. Shift into a demon, angel, even a monster, just come back." I stare. That's the only thing I can do. The blood that runs down my chin, or ran, was the blood of my tounge. He cut it. „Adelaya, I'm sorry for all the yelling! Just come back. He isn't good. He isn't True Good. Just come back", a girl yelled. I can hear her just fine. A Lifeline flashes. Lifeline, one persons life held in such a small thread, it's so funny, yet so strong. A person. Once happy, now just neutral. Wait, is that... me? She looks like me, but is she me? There were cases in which the Lifeline was created just so one person can live longer, a False Lifeline. He did this. I want to... not fade, but to fight. He caused all of this. I want to repair the world, bring it back. He destroyed it.


Suddenly, I shift. The chains break, but shackles remain. The darkness circles me, and embraces me, turning my body into somethings else. For the first time in years I stand, and Wrath is filling my body, flows with my blood. I look around, and I see a mirror. I see... The Master Of The Hellish Yard. I make this look goooooood. Heh, it's time, for him to appear. I take out my sycthe, and stand my ground. For a two meter tall, white skinned, black sleveless kimono and hakama wearing, at jointed separated, marks glowing girl, I look juuuust normal. Riiiiiiight. The doors open and I see him. „ Well, hello, Ralph Destrom. Want to join me to my Yard?", I say in much sinester voice. He is scared, and a lullaby plays. An Evil lullaby. I slowly walk, everybody is getting out of my way. Good. He's in his master bedroom, where some naked woman lies. She, too, starts panicking. I look around, haha, he's hiding behind the doors. Times up, Ralph. „ You can't kill me! I am the new ruler of this realm, of ALL realms! And besides, I am to pretty to die! I am-„ dead. You are dead. I slash his neck open, and he falls down. I light the fire, setting all of this on fire. As I slowly walk, a small creature walks towards me. A goblin, I like those. A portal opens, a portal to my Yard. „ Let us go, Genesis. Let's go to my Yard.", I step into it, and it closes behind me...

Let's go Genesis...

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