O for Oath pt 4

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(the guy in the pic is Genesis, fyi)

I'm in the garden again. I walk, and I only see her. I stand my ground, unless she attacks me first. „Why? Why don't you just die? Must you bring us more pain? WHY WON'T YOU JUST DIE!?!", she yells, clearly pissed off. „Oh, mother, I will never die. For I am Master of the Hellish Yard. Remember this like you remember your own name: I will never die, nor fade, only shift, from one form to another. Kapish? I WON'T DIE!!", I yell back. She fades, as she keeps yelling 'NO! NO! NO!'Foolish woman. I turn around and walk away. I don't need this anymore. Suddenly, everything changes. I see myself,in training clothes, standing in front of my mirror, in building 5. „ Guys, Genesis, Brothers. Forgive me if you can, please. I can't stand it! More and more, people I care just die! I can't take it! I oath to you...


I will revenge you!


And once again, the world fades into welcoming arms of darkness.

Eyes snap open, I'm in my room, in PJ-s, in bed. I turn around, and IT'S 3 A.M?!?! I had it coming, I guess. I look to my left, and I see the mirror. The Mirror of Oath. I get up, get dressed, and make my way down for some milk. Truth to be told, I was never a coffee person, I find it awfully bitter. Plain disgusting. As I drink the warm milk, I see somebody sneak in the house. Time to suprise them. I whisper: „麺 棒 の 千 落 と し 穴 [Menbō no sen otoshiana (Thousand traps of the rolling pins)].  Suddenly, the person was traped, but not with one, nor with two... but thirty-two roll pins. It's suprising how roll pins are useful in situations like these. I get up from the chair, and turn on the lights, only to see „Silas. What are you doing here? „, I ask and release him from all of roll pins. „ Well, I am one of them. Y'know, the Sanctuary. I heard you lead squad 5, I lead squad 7. Pretty cool, huh?", he explaines. Silas is same-old, same-old. „ Every great thing is also carries a great responsibility, Silas. Don't take this as a piece of cake, please, don't", I explain. He sits across of me, and stares into my eyes. Minutes go by, and he only whisperes :" You've changed. Why? Why did you change?". Poor Silas, he didn't knew what was coming. „ People, man, people changed me. But, also the time. You can't have the same attitude for years, Silas. Niether can people, 'cuz people always change"- I explain as I pour anther cup of milk for Silas-„ and you can't do anything about it. It's just how the things go. People change, and you and I, we are not different. We change, evolve, and move forward, never looking back. We run, strive for something, but what is that something? Eternal youth? Wisdom? Gold beyond measurement? It all depends on what we want, what we strive for. I strive for peace, not only for myself, but also those who I know, and those who I don't. Happiness. Love... If I don't strive for the best, for the dreams and wishes... Then, what kind of person would I be? Weak, pathetic, cruel, never satisfacted. Isn't that the kind of people who offer anything to spare their lives. And when you lower the gun, they kill you. Those who sit on fancy chairs and drink  expensive stuff, while they leave the world, to suffer on its' own, knowing the world can't do that. I hate people like those, yet  let them live, for they'll appear in my Yard. I don't want to be like them. Do you, Silas?" He shakes his head as ' nope!' I finish my cup, get up, turn around and -„ Goodnight, Silas. Tell your parent that I said 'hi' to them too, ok?", he nods. I go up, crawl in once warm bed, and close my eyes. Ah, I can feel it, the sleep finally taking over me.

Goodnight, Genesis...

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