R for remorse pt1

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It's been three day, nothing new, just same old, same old. Today is the night of the full Moon. Ah, tonight, we are going under. No, literally, we are going to Underworld, which is a place for creatures like us. Shinigamis, zombies, skeletons, ghouls, demons and list goes on. Today, all higher-ups are gonna meet, including the King, the ruler of shinigami world. Apparently, the meeting suck, or by Kings words:" Be happy you don't have to go to these things, Adelaya, be very happy." And I am. I have enough pretending as a human, and to go to those meetings? Aw hell no! Ah, for name for a shinigami, my classroom is loud. No wonder, in this classroom there are: the drunk chick- whom I found later is named Jenova Simms- who is hungover, again. Then, these is Aylna Moon, my roommate at the orphanage. There are also my band, and more important, Silas. Suddenly, the classroom turnes silent, as the teacher, Zuma something, entered. She sat down and opened the big thin book. Oh, King protect me now, she's gonna question the student, oh no! „Silas Yuma Hannan, you don't have any grades. Now, tell me, when did Hitler started operation Barbarossa?", she asked. Phew, I saved, but still, poor Silas, now he has to talk to get a grade, which isn't quite easy, y'know? She has a super hearing, but she's half blind, so it's easy to copy notes. After History, and all other unimportant stuff, I mean, I know it all of this.  It was sunset when my crew, Micro and his crew, and of couse, myself met infront of a secret gate that will lead us to the Underworld. An old man walked towards us and asked:" What are you kids doing here?" He has some guts for a human. „ Do you know of Underworld?", I ask, 'cuz, most  of people mispace a world for a disco or something irrelevant. „Ah, so you are here to vent out, eh? Shingami Adelaya, code named: Legacy.", said old man. Wait, Legacy? Nobody told me anything about Legacy. Who is Legacy? „It's you, stupid child! Once, a man kiddnaped you for a program called : Revelation. In that program, you would become super soldier that would earse enemies in seconds. A killing mashine. But, Versallies, the man who took you, went mad and destroyed Revelation and you ended with memory loss. The data should be in the rubles in far north of this town, in the moutains.", he explained. „So, shorty, a man who kidnapped me for goverment  goes mad, destroys the place, and I end up with amesia or wharever?", I asked. „Yes, that's about it.", replied old man. After a loooong talk, he finally let up in, just in time, 'cuz we turned in our true forms, and then... As my eyes saw him, they went wide, I remember, all of it, as the only man who killed my family...

... was once a man respected by all.

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