O for Oath pt2

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I know maths old man. And he'll force me to fight them. And he probably thinks I'll break when I see them. How about a big bolded, undelined no, with three exclamation marks. Like: NO!!!  He's suprised, good. „But, why aren't you on the floor, crying, like you did when I set Orphanage on fire?", he asks, suprised. The orphanage I once called home flashes before my eyes. I feel something crawl towards my head, and I... I black out.

Well,well,well. Look who we have here. Haha. The old fart looks supries. „ I'm her blackout version. Call me Shadow. And my mission is to destroy people like you, even if they are a bit evil, I'll KILL 'EM. Sadly, the entire earth is so... CORRUPTED. And THE PEOPLE LIKE YOU ARE TO BLAME! „ The once called friend of mine attacked me, and I behead them, one by one. I'm BATHED in thier blood, but the true evil is nowhere to be seen. I fall, what's happening...

I wake up, and blackout flashes before my eyes. I... did that. „ Not you, she did. Shadow has her belives just like you have yours. And to her, the world is impure. But, you held her in for so long, and sadly, we still need to work on that. Your chakra is very weak, so that's why she was out like that. But don't worry. We'll just meditate, ok sis?", Latticus explained. If you ask why Latticus, 'cuz it kinda gets annoying when you have to call one person with two names, so instead Lamar and Atticus, it is just Latticus... Genius. Maybe I should take a nap. Yea, a nap sound nice...

Ok, where am I? This looks like a cherry blossom garden. The garden, of course, was full with only cherry blossom, even the floor is covered with petals of sakura trees.I walk, unsure where. In the distance, I see two people, wearing kimonos. I look down, and notice that I'm wearing white kimono with black sash and hakama. Awkward to the bone, mainly 'cuz I don't have white kimono. Oh well, I slowly walk to them and shock washes over me, one of them is none other than Genesis. I can't smile, but I was glad." Adelaya... finally, after all there years... I get to see your face. For that, I'm glad, truly.", whispered Genesis. The woman turned my way and gasped. The has blonde hair and blue eyes, and very pale skin. „My daughter, is that you? I -„"Shut up, woman" She gasps, I would too. I mean, if someone told me that in couple of months I'll lose everything and be rude to my own mother, I would say 'You must be joking!' Sadly, time changes people, I am no different. „Now,Ersa shush, an advice for Adelaya.Listen, life is very comlicated. Don't try to find answers, because when you find the answers, the life chages the question. Remember that, and it'll help you. Goodnight, Adelaya"... and the world fades away...

Goodnight, Genesis...

Crown of ThornesOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz