O for Oath

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In the morning, I slowly walked down the stairs, only to see the lovely couple sitting and drinking coffee. „ Good morning. If you excuse me, I will go training.", I said emotionalessly. They nodded. „Don't you want to eat, dear?", asks Marcilla. I shake my head as if to answear the question with a 'no'. I slowly walk towards apartment complex, and climb one. I see a man, a tall one, with black and white hair, and has black attire. „They you are, sister", 'he' says. It's Lamar and Atticus in one body." Ok, first, you need to control your emotions, or even better, lose them. It'll help you in your journey. Second, practice, a lot and hard. More strengh you get the more powerful you are. And lastly, no ties. That also includes you stop visiting Genesis and your crew. You have to let go, even if it hurts like thousands of needles piece though your skin. At once. Now, your new clothes wait for you over there." They point at an old, alomst rotten desk. I take the clothes and change inside the building. It's going to be one long journey. And Ralph, prepare youself, I won't fight you, I will KILL you.

It has been two months sice then. I mastered all hand-to-hand combats, far combats, all power attacks and defense. During that, I slowly lost all emotions, the ones that are important and those who are less important. Father watches us every now and then, and he is always smiling. I forgot how to smile. A rock was thrown my way and I quickly caught it. I saw an eldery woman and at least a hundred of others behind her. „Hello, child. I was wondering if that is indeed your complex, hm?", old woman asked. „It wasn't before"- I reply without an ounce of emotion- „But it is now. If I may ask what do you want with my complex?" The woman smiles, and the man behind her looks like he is going to explode. The most often line that can be heard is 'How dare she to talk to Ba-chan like that?!?' Fools, I dare because I can and will. „I see that you are different from others. You are a dare devil, just like once Atticus and Lamar did. It's a pity that Ralph cut them both in half, only to see that you are the Power Keeper. The Guardian of Realms, The Master of the Hellish Yard.", the woman won't shut up. „ Hm, this building I am on is mine alone, the rest are yours. The rules are on the doors of every building. Break them, and I'll break you. Understand?", I say only that, I belive it will shut her up. She nods, good. I jump down from the building, and they gasp. Why? It's only 553 meters tall. Not much, right? They get in the line and slowly enter, some still grumble, like bunch of nanas'. I walk to weights and lift 150 kg, and raise them with ease. I look behind, only to see ... living corpses of my crew. I stand my ground, but stil prepare myself to battle. A man in late twenties shows up. „ Hello Adelaya Shizuka. Code name: L.E.G.A.C.Y. Now...

...Shall we begin?"

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