R for remorse pt3

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Dead siblings. Hold the phone, I had siblings?!? „ As you said, sister, you HAD siblings. You still do, but we are kinda dead. Like spirits who can't find peace. Y'know?", replied a man with white hair white attire and all-in-all, everything's white. „ Now, onto our past, 'cuz it's important. As dad knows, we were dare devils. One day, Destrom- who's an ass- asked us if we are willing to use our power to create a new world- a.k.a to please his fat ass. We refused, and he killed us. Now, come to think of it, that's kinda depressing.", said a man with dark hair and attire. Now that I think of it, they look like twins. „ F.Y.I we are triplets. The dark rude over here is Atticus, and I'm Lamar. We are some sort of guides, but for a little while. Also, we are your reminders and the ones who'll pull you from Blackout or worse, 破 壊 と 死 [Hakai to shi (destruction and death)]. So, yea, that's about it.", said Lamar. „ So, wait, are you saying that you are some sort of angel, while Aticcus is wannabe devil?", I have to ask. He nods. O...K. After the discussion, my and my crew were going home. „ Y'know, we don't know our mother or father, so you are lucky.", replies Juliet, who is clearly upset. „ Only to realise that my father is a madman, and my mother was a cheater. What a fantastic family, ain it?", I reply bitterly. „ At least you know something!!! We know nothing, ok, nothing!! And you thing you situation is bad!! Is it?!?", yells Juliet. I was beyond pissed. She dares to compare me, a thing that crawled though some womans stomach to be a monster, and herself, a girl with a bright future. I feel something run down my cheek, and I wipe it. I slowly turn around :" SHUT UP! I wish I never knew any of this. I was created to a a monster, you were created to be something great, anything I will never be! If you noticed that I hung with you guys so I can forget the needles, the pain and the torture. I tried to live like humans, I did. And now I realised, if you are born a monster, you can never be a human. Just leave me be.", I yell back. I run, and I hear they are calling for me, but I just want to be alone. I walk to this one waterfall, it always calms me down. I close my eyes to meditate. Now, I don't know how much has passed, but I smell smoke. Could it be the orphanage? I snap my eyes open and run with all my speed to home. I get there and what I see. Ashes. And a lot of it. No, no, no, no, NO! It can't be! „ Hey kid, are you an orphan who used to live here", a random cop asks me. I nod. I can only do that now. „Ah, kid, I'm sorry, everybody died there. By the looks of it, somebody set the fire up on purpose. Kid, are you alright?!?", cop asks me. I collapse to the ground and I cry. Juliet, Andy, James, Simon... all of them... gone... just like Genesis... The cop raises me up gently, like a father, and puts me in a wagon to cry my eyes out. I can't belive it, even Aylna and Roux. All of them gone... After half an hour I manage to calm down. The copis gone, probably to the crime scene. „ Hey, sister, if you don't get stronger, you'll brek down like now every now and then, y'know. Tommorow, we'll start training. Get it?", two voices resound in my head. I get it, I though.The cop from earlier comes to me:" Do you know these people, kid?" He shows me the Headmaster, and my crew. I nod." Ok, what they were like, kid?", asks the cop. „ Normal, I guess. They were very independing people. Each one was like a pillar, strong and proud of what they were. As expected from people from Waratars' Orphanage.",that was my reply. Ok, it was true, hah, now I'll have to visit them too. How sad is that. But, what is this feeling, like saddnes but also regret. „I belive what are you feeling is remorse. Humans feel it all the time. Ok, the feel it from time to time, but it's very strong.", Lamar explained. Remorse, huh? Fair enough. A hand gently grasped mine, I look up to see the cop who helped and also questioned me. „ Hey, kid, let's go to my home. It'll be more better than the streets, right kid? By the way, I'm Ceto Quet. Strange isn't it?", offers Ceto. I grasp his hand and stand up. „ I'm Adelaya Shizuka. And not only your name isn't strange.", I reply, quietly. In the car nothing happends. After we park in front of one very nice house, he helps me to get in inside. Instantly, I'm greeted with a very happy family. I wish I have one like that. In which father isn't some crazy madman, a mather isn't a cheater and all sibling are well and alive. „ Ah, dear, who is that? Hm?", replies a woman, probably his wife. She has a bitter tounge, like she dosen't want me here. „ Oh, Marcilla, this is Adelaya, just now the orphanage burned down, and she was one of those who called it 'home'. And be nice, she dosen't need any more terrorising.", replies Ceto. Instantly, she looked worried, and ran over and hugged me. I hug back, so the people don't get the bad vibe from me. During the dinner, I was introduced to Anisa, a lovely goth girl, and Paul, kind emo kid. This kinda nice, a dinner with a family who loves each other dearly. After dinner, I help Marcilla, and she even gave me a kiss in a forehead. Now, I'm in Anisas' room, in PJ-s and all. „ So, you lost all dear to you over there. Truth to be told, both Paul and I were adopted when we were five. So yea. Don't worry, sweetie.", said Anisa. I sigh and turn away. „Goodnight", was my reply. Goodnight Genesis, and guys.

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