C for crescent moon pt2

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Today is Tuesday, and today is the night of crescent moon. Since it's not night of the full moon, we only show bits of our power. Yea, the Akai shinigami aplies to me in every single aspect. But I'm not red. In my unnatural form, a.k.a shinigami form, I wear black, tattered hakama, bandages around my chest area and eyes, and black jika-tabi. But, the strange thing is, I, unlike most shinigami, look almost human. ALMOST. It's because I am divided at most of my joints, and my bones show off. Even my head is seperated from my body, as well as tips of my fingers.I also got bones instead of wings. I think you got it. And all other shinigami look like those bedside monsters that terror poor children at night. I walk to school on foot, per usual. I see Micro, and I blush. I look down to see if I have any wrinkles on my clothes. For today I wore red tunic with our logo on it, and black leggings, also red sneakers.

„Oh, Adelaya, hey. Wanna go to school with me?", he asked. „Sure buddy. By the way, how's Ao no ichi goin'? I haven't seen them in a while.", is my reply. „Well, Viridan Zavier is still a bassist, which is a miracle, 'cuz if you don't know, he changes his will every three minutes. As of Calixto Ara, our drummer, he's a drunkie, and heads-up, don't ever wake him up after a drunk party. He'll maybe break your bones. Our lead guitar, Cyprion Osias, he is going with me in the school, so you'll meet him in a while. Our rhythm guitar, Loch Moss, is gone most of the time, so we've no idea where he is. And our Dj, Kelso Zed, is usually in a strip club, like a perv he is. So, what about your crew?", he asked. „Well, our guitar is Andrew Sillas, and shortly, he's an idiot. Then, there is James Warcarlos, rhythm guitar, he's a smoker, y'know, the one fromthe game."I'm stopped by his reply:"Its L4D"."Thanks, that, and then, theres Juliet Besbach, she has the bass covered, and a wakko named Simon Dunfang. He's one crazy dude. Like, really crazy." Suddenly, I was shoved to the side by a dude with a blue mohawk, blue net shirt, black ripped jeans and black combat boots. „Oz, are you serious?!? She's my friend bro!", yelled Silas, clearly upset. „Mhm, is this the chick you talk about for hours to no end?", Osilas, or as Silas called him, Oz, said. Silas blushes, as well as I do. „Well, you really need to blow my cover, eh?", mutteres Silas. Oz, Sillas and I walk to school, talking about bands, tours, and when our bands should make a song together. By the time we finished our talking, we were in front of our class room. After six hours of pure boredom, I was able to go home, to my room. My room was mostly black, like my bed, computer and walls. Only small details are white. I sneak out of orphanage to apartment complex, it was abbonden copule years ago, but that's what I heard. I start to feel different. Oh,no! It's happening! I run into the complex, and shift into shinigami. Phew, that was close, like really close. I go into complex and I see my band, and my Bffs, and tose are, Zeno Roux -scene chick, my half brother Zeandre Destry, Paz Amable Adria andsome goth dude. „ The goth dude is Ondine Philomen. He's a shy guy but really nice", said Silas as if he read my mind, who turned into a vampire. „By the way, you look beautiful, even if you are two meter tall and is half skeleton half zombie", added Silas. „ I'm a shinigami, Silas, in case you haven't noticed my scythe.", I said in much deeper voice. My scythe is black, double ended with double blades from only one side, onther was ends with a sword. It's decorated with latin and japanese words such as destruction and death, death god and spells. It also has a lot of skulls, which I like a lot. I joined with my band, and introduced to Ao no ichi, and talked a lot. When we returned into our human form, which was in 3 A.M, my band and I returned to our home, to get at least ouce of sleep. Tommorow is going to be a long day. Goodnight, Genesis.

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