W for Wrath pt 2

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Ah, Hell, my realm. Wait, what's that, behind the throne? „ My Queen, that I believe is paperwork. You were missing for quite a while.", replied Qet, my helper, who is also a goblin. Well, let's get to it. Paperwork, paperwork and more paperwork. It's been hours since I started. Luckily, this is the last one. Phew, one more and I would kill myself. Somebody is walking towards me, but who? Ginger hair, who has ginger hair? And demonic aura, I have never seen anything like it. „ Oh, master Genesis, welcome. Queen is over here, doing paperwork. Now, if you excuse me, I will prepare some tea.", and with that, Qet left. Genesis, I sure missed him, but wait, why is he in Hell? „ Adelaya, love, before I didn't have any time to tell you, that I am a demon. If you want to, I'll be your faithful servant, my Queen.", smiled Genesis. But you won't be my servant, not for long. The legend said, that if you rip out the wings of a demon and an angel, and replace the same, they will change roles. A Demon- Angel contract. But, who is his equivalent? Is it his brother? Or Micro? Immposible, Micro is a vampire. Maybe, she is. They hated each other since they were born, maybe cause of that? He's a goodie two-shoes, he can't be a demon! Ugh, this is troublesome. „ Queen, your tea is ready, sweet, just like you.", ah Qet, you goblin! As I slowly drink my tea, I see Genesis on a bed, asleep. „Ne, Qet, isn't Seelin dead? Don't we have her wings?", I ask, I want Genesis to be an angel. After all, he is one. „ She isn't dead, so no, we don't have her wings"replied Qet-"But you do,my Queen. For that I am sure." I sigh, and I know what I must do. I nod, and Qet leaves to prepare those stuff. I get up and slowly walk towards the chamber. In it, there are two chairs, turned towards the windows. I sit on one, facing the wall, back towards the window. Three goblins carry Genesis and sat him on second chair. Here we go. I free my wings, all white and fluffy. Terrific. I feel two pair of arms grab the patagiums and wrists of the wings, and in one move, they rip the wings out. I muffle my scream, it hurts like a mother*BEEP*. At the same time, they rip out Genesis's wings, making him scream. They replace the wings, his body accepts my wings, and vice-versa. After they clean all the blood and stuff, I retunt to my throne. I sit on it, sighing. Not a minute passed by, I see Genesis running towards me. I know what I have to do, sadly." What the hell was that all about? Answer me, Adelaya!", he yells. I will miss him. „ Genesis, you don't belong here. If demons find out about your deeds, they will kill you. And no, I can't stop them. I do love you (even if sometimes I wish I didn't) but you have to let it go. Rememeber Daniela? She still loves you, and who am I to steal someone elses' happiness? Nobody. So leave now, and never come back.", I command. He looks at me, like I have betrayed him. „Why, just why? All I wanted was to be with you, to make you happy, to make you smile. And you keep refusing me! WHY!?!", too many questions, Genesis. „ You don't get it, do you? You just ain' the material for a demon. You are an angel, your soul is one. I would do that all, believe me, but I just can't let you die, again. You hurted me once, nevermore. So, leave now, and never come back.", I reply. Light shines above us, it must be angels and shit. „ Quenn of Hell, Adelaya Shizuka, we are going to take this angel with us, like it or not.", says a wuss, Nikko Danastiry. I mention with my arms to go ahead, Genesis deserves to be Up Above. „ ADELAYA, NO! LET ME GO! ADELAYA!!!!", yells Genesis, and I only watch as he goes. He'll have brighter future without me. After they left, I got up, and slowly walked to my bedroom. Evil. What's evil? Is it something to eat? Is it gonna eat us? Alive or not? Is it in everything? Evil. Am I evil? Is a child evil? Is an old man evil? Evil is something. Evil isn't something to eat. Yes, evil can eat us, in both cases. Yes. Evil is in everything. Maybe I am evil. I don't know. Both can be evil. Can we stop it? No, we can't. We can fight it, yes, but for it to fully dissapear, no. I hope that my family, my squad, and everybody else forgives me. Especially Genesis and Silas. I've hurt them to much...

Goodnight, Silas...

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