N for neglect pt 4

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Today was oddly quiet. Father called last night to say he's coming over to see 'his little baby girl'. I am sitting, reading a book about zombies and what not. Suddenly, the bell rings, and I calmly ( not) walk over to the door. I opened and I see my Father with a boy, with white hair and red eyes. Father looks so angry. „Adelaya, he clames to be your twin, do you know anything about it?", he asks, or should I say, demands. I look at the boy, and may Hell freeze over if I know this guy. „Finally,Mother can't separate us any longer, my beloved sister...", whisperes the boy. „Eh, um, how about you, uh, come in?", I reply. This boy... why do I remember him? I guide then to living room, where my fiancé plays piano. Lovely notes echo... I... am... happy...

Today was our 5th birthday. Headmaster was away, so me and my twin, Lucas, will play all day long! Although, me and Lucas are all the same, our eyes are a bit different, his are red and mine are blue, but, when we use magic, both of us have one golden and one silver eye! My brother...will... never... leave... me...

I woke up slowly, Father, Brother and fiancé are around me. Lucas was his name, right? „You said you will never leave me, brother. Why?",I ask. His eyes went wide, tears threatening to spill. His soft semi-deep voice echoes the room. „ Forgive me, sister, but to Father, I was nonexistent, and I got sad, so I left...", by now, tears were running down from his cheeks, I quickly wipe them. „ So, wait I'm lost. Are you both saying I have three sons and one daughter?!?", our Father asks, oh how slow he is. Must be middle age crisis. „Yea, which brings up, where are they? I haven't seen those retards since forever!", I ask. „SORRY FOR FORCE ENTRY, EVERYBODY!! WE'RE LOST, SO HELP!!", Lamar and Atticus yell. I laugh. They both squeeze to enter the living room. Then, a huge fight started. After night fell upon us, me and Silas managed to separated my weird family. Giving them separate rooms, me and Silas went to our own bedroom. The room was filled with rose petals. I turn to Silas, who smiled. „How about we create another devil in this family?", he asks. I smile and nod.

And the night was filled with passion...

* * *

The following morning was quiet. A light headache was keeping me up. I opened my eyes, and noticed a feather. White and fluffy. I sat up, covering myself with thin silk blanket, and started to notice pieces of wood. As I started to move my head to the left, I saw bigger and bigger chunks of wood. Turning my head fully to the left, I gasped. The headboard was gone! The lovely headboard, with beautiful swirl and star design was gone. I started shaking, but I couldn't contain my laughter very well, because I felt an arm wrap around my waist. „Hey, beautiful, why are you shaking?", Silas asks. I just point at the head board. He chuckled. „Ops, maybe I went a bit to far, don't you think. But, now that you mention it, my head hurts.", says Silas. After cleaning the whole mess, I went down to eat (late) breakfast. The first thing I noticed, was Father and Lucas, who, despite neat clothes and decent behavior, had awful bags under their eyes. Just like them, Lamar, Atticus, Alex and Vlad look like they came from the grave. „Bad night, boys?", I smile devilishly. Fathers eye twitched at my comment. „What on earth happened last night? Do share, Adelaya.", growled Atticus. „Last night? Good night.", I reply. They all, slowly, turned their head towards me shocked by my comment. Silas, who didn't notice anything, came up to me and gave a sweet kiss. I started to giggle like a high school teen. „ Adelaya, dear, what was that, just now? Didn't I say no funny business until mirage...", growled my Father. Oh, dear me. I would've been better if I kept my mouth shut, but instead I mumbled something like 'I'm a woman and I have my needs'. Other than a massive fight, which resulted in a few red cheeks and few black eyes, the day went as normal as it can.

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