O for Oath pt3

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Another morning. Another training sequence. I got up, got dressed, did the pre-training exercises, and I am ready to go. I climb up and who I see. The grandma. Great. „Anything you need, 'Ba-chan'?", I ask, I mean, I have to, she had to read the rules and stick to them. „Ah, yes, dearie. Well, I was hoping if you would join us... You know, as a part of Sanctuary. I'll give you some time to think. We'll even-„"What do I have in Sanctuary? What does it give me? In case you didn't notice, I'm preparing to fight Ralph, and I don't need anybody except my brothers and Father, got it?" She smiles, what a mad woman. „Well, you'll have back-up, somebody to come home to, shelter in dark nights, and so on. Besides, I need my right hand. So, do you trust me and take up the offer?", She says as she reaches out for me with her left arm. I close my eyes. Connection, a weakness that has the greatest price. Am I strong enough for that? Family, they aren't related, but they act like they are. No, they don't act, it is to strong of a feeling to be enacted. Well, she is right, sis. Having a family is probably a nice feeling. We would take the deal. But, on the other hand, it's very risky, for them and for yourself. You choose. Y'know, since we know shit and all of that. Gee, thanks for the help. „ They are inside of you? They are truly brothers. They stick with their sister until the end, even in death. That's beautiful. Now, will you join us?", she asks once again. I open my eyes and take her hand. Let's just hope that this won't result with their death. „Great, now, onto the clothes, you won't need the bandages around your chest, you'll have a shirt with armor inside of it. Next, you'll have leggings, also with armor inside of it. And finally, the mask. The mask is black, but it'll cover only half of your face. So, let's get to it, shall we?", she slowly walks with me, telling me about five main groups, that the squad leaders are called 'Child of Dark'. Pretty awesome name. Then, she told me that I'm going to have my own squad. Deligthful. After hours of talk ( and she talked about half an hour), we appeared in front of building 3, which is her building. Mine is 5, as well as the squad, also dubbed 'The Undead Squad'. Awesome. She intoduced me to my squad: Jack Manson, the 'hunter', Riley Somedan, the 'seeker', Kaylie, the 'brawler', and Edin, the ' bait'. And, sadly, my building isn't mine anymore, well most of it. After changing, I looked like 1st class assassin. „ Oh dear, it looks so good on you. Ah, yes, the weapons. You will have eight katanas. First pair on our upper back, second on your lower back, and the rest on your hips. You squad will live with you, train with you, do everything with you. Ok, almost everything. If you need anything, you'll find me here.", she says. I turn around and start walking towards my building. I get in, chage into PJ-s, make dinner for five, eat, and go to bed. Now, I can't sleep. That's my luck. I close my eyes, and everything that happend flashes. New school, Micro, Father, crescent moon, full moon, mother, new squad, Genesis... Genesis... I breathe in and out, slowly. I fall, where? Why? Must I? I close my eyes, it's okay, it's meant to be...

Goodbye, old and new, and most importantly...


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