Chapter 10 - A Promise To Keep

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A/n : this takes place after Y/n returns to his original timeliness from the past.

Y/n was currently in a room with Mavis, Zeref as they waited for Master Makarov to show up.

Mavis : "you sure about this Y/n it won't be easy"

Y/n : "I know but I made a promise and I intend to keep it"

Just then Makarov finally entered the room.

Makarov : "Y/n I hear you wanted to discuss something with me"

Y/n : "yes master I do, with your permission I would like to leave fairy tail for a few days"

Makarov : "you wish to leave fairy tail, why would you do that"

Y/n : "the truth is master....I'll be hunting down Acnologia"

Makarov's eyes widen as he remembered what had happened in their last encounter with that dragon.

Makarov : "Y/n you may not even beat him, you said it yourself you still haven't fully recovered your power yet so why would you do that"


Y/n : "because I made a Igneel"

Makarov looked surprised.

Makarov : "Natsu's father"

Y/n : "yes but not just him you see master the truth is Natsu's dragon along with Wendy, Gajeel, Sting and Rouge are still alive"

This time even Mavis and Zeref were shocked.

Y/n : "I sealed them away before returning to my original time, I promised them I'd free them once Acnologia was dealt please master allow me to go"

Makarov had gained a serious look on his face.

Makarov : "are you sure you can win this"

Y/n : "yes"

Makarov sighed.

Makarov : "very well, but it's best we keep this from the others"

Y/n : "actually master I was hoping you could do one other thing for me"

Makarov : "what's that"

Y/n : "in a few days could you hold a celebration of some kind, that's when I should be done and I want to surprise the dragon slayers at one time"

Makarov along with Mavis and Zeref smiled.

Makarov : "I suppose we could come up with something"

Y/n : "thanks master, now if you'll excuse me I have to see a man about a dragon"

After Y/n left he began heading in the direction of Acnologia. He eventually arrived just outside of a cave in the middle of no where. As he walked in he soon saw a man sitting on a rock smirking right at him.

Y/n : "Acnologia"

Acnologia : "I've been waiting for you, I still have to get revenge for you breaking my arm"

Y/n : "you know I told myself I'd never allow anger to get the best of me incase I killed someone. But after seeing you cause so much pain to people including my friend....I'm willing to make an exception"


Its been three days since Y/n's disappearins from the guild and while some began to ask questions most were to busy getting prepared for a lager celebration. As Guilds from other areas began showing up everyone was surprised to see that even the Queen of Firoe had shown up with her knights even the once waited mages of Crime Sorciere had shown up.

Erza : "master I believe that's everyone"

Makarov : "yes I guess we should get started"

As Makarov stood on a stage everyone had stopped chatting and looked right at him...but just as he was about to open his mouth to speak.


everyone had looked up to see Y/n heading straight for them as the all move Y/n smashed on the ground and coming to a stop right at the stage. Everyone looked shocked to see Y/n's cloths completely shredded.

Y/n : "hey master I'm back"

Makarov : "Y/n my boy are you ok"

Y/n : "yeah I'm fine just a slight wardrobe malfunction"

Mavis : "you idiot don't make us worry like that"

Y/n : "I'll make it up to you I swear"

Zeref : "you better"

Y/n then looked at the five dragon slayer who where looking at him.

Y/n : "what you looking at"

Natsu : "why do you smell like Igneel"

Wendy : "and Grandeeney"

Gajeel : "I can smell Metalicana"

Sting : "I can also smell Weisslogia"

Rouge : "that should be possible why do I smell Skiadrum as well"

Everyone looked shocked at what they had just said.

Lucy : "wait so they can smell their dragons sket off Y/n"

Happy : "seems like it"

As everyone looked at Y/n he began laughing.

Y/n : "I don't know why I smell like them....maybe you should ask them yourself"

While everyone was confused their eyes widen as they soon all heard a loud roar coming from being them....when the turned around the saw five large dragons heading their way.

Dragon Slayers : "Dad/Mum"

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