Chapter 11 - A Growing Problem

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While everyone was having a chat with the dragons who raised Natsu and the others Y/n was sitting in the guild hall having a drink a voice soon spoke up.

??? : "hello once again Mr Kent"

Y/n turned to see the new Queen of Fiore, Hisui E. Fiore standing there.

Y/n : "oh hello again, what brings you here"

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Y/n : "oh hello again, what brings you here"

Hisui : "Well I was invited by your Guild Master to attend a celebration and I had to agree"

Y/n : "you had to, did you not want to come"

Hisui : "oh no I did...the truth is I wanted to speak with you in factc

Y/n : "really"

Y/n watched as Hisui took a seat beside him making him chuckle.

Y/n : "never thought I'd see a queen sit at a bar before, aren't you worried people may walk in and see you like this"

Hisui : "I had my knights block any entries, you see I wanted to have a private discussion with you"

Y/n : "I see"

Hisui : "I wanted to apologise to you properly"

Y/n was confused.

Y/n : "apologise, what for exactly"

Hisui : "for what happened back at the grand magic games, I truly had no idea that I was being played as a fool by that have ever right to be upset"

Y/n : "I'm not upset"

Hisui : "you're not"

Y/n : "why would I be, people make mistakes one little mistake doesn't make you a bad person"

Hisui smiled at Y/n.

Hisui : "you truly are kind"

Y/n : "Well Queen Firoe"

Hisui : "please just call me Hisui"

Y/n : "Well then you can call me Y/n, so Hisui shall we get going can't keep everyone waiting to long...they'll end up fighting"

As Y/n got up and was about to leave.

Hisui : "Y/n"

Y/n : "yeah"

Y/n turned around only to be surprised as Hisui had hugged him.

Y/n : "Hisui are you ok"

Hisui : "my mother once told me that before she met my father she once hugged your father The man of Steel, she told me that in that one moment she felt all of her worries and pain disappear...I'm sorry but I just wanted to try it for myself"

Y/n smiled before chuckling, as he did he placed his arms around Hisui hugging her back.

Y/n : "I see...well did it work"

Hisui who was now placing her head on Y/n smiled and gently said.

Hisui : "yes"

As they stood there in complete silence.

Mavis : "wow Y/n your going for the queen now"

Both Y/n and Hisui's eyes widen as the looked to see everyone looking in at them.

Y/n : "oh come on can't I have five minutes of privacy"

Zeref : "why so you can claim the Queen of Forie as yours"

Y/n looked defeated.

Y/n : "why do you two torture me"

As Y/n looked defeated and everyone was giggling at him Mavis and Zeref had come up with and evil idea that included both Hisui and Lucy. While the four were talking a reported named Jason had suddenly shown up.

Jason : "sooo cool, The man of Steels son has the queen of Fiore in his sights this will made the headlines"

Y/n : "I swear if you make so much as one copy I'll put you through every wall in Fiore"

Mavis : "Reporter"

Y/n looked to see both Mavis and Zeref infront of him now.

Jason : "yeah"

Mavis : "you may want to get your camera ready"

Just then Y/n saw both Mavis and Zeref with an evil look in their eyes.

Y/n : "what are you planning"

As the make their way to him Y/n was going to run but couldn't as both Lucy and Hisui had grabbed his arms.

Y/n : "what the"

Lucy : "sorry Y/n be we can't let you go"

Y/n looked confused as now both Hisui and Lucy was now hugging into his arms and both Mavis and Zeref was now leaning against Y/n's chest.

Y/n : "hey what are you lot doing"

Mavis : "well we've come to an agreement"

Y/n : "agreement"

Zeref : "yup as of right now the four of us....want to marry you"

Y/n : "what!?!?"

Everyone was shocked and as the girls kissed Y/n Jason had taken a photo.

Mavis : "who's a lucky boy"

Y/n(mind) : "this is going to get out of hand very fast"

Hisui : "shouldn't we tell them as well"

Y/n : "tell them what"

Lucy : "well seeing as we fell for you there's a chance others will to"

Y/n(mind) : "don't say it"

Lucy : "so we talked and we thought that it would only be fair"

Y/n(mind) : "don't you dare say it"

Lucy : "that if others fell for you they should also get a chance"

Y/n : "please for the love of all things holy don't say it"

Mavis : "that's right Y/n we are willing to share you with anyone else who falls for you"

Y/n : "God damn it"

Igneel : "I can't say this is suprising"

Sting : "wait really"

Grandeeney : "yes after all its only right that the dragon King have several mates"

Everyone other than Y/n and the few that know was completely shocked.

Wendy : "Y/n's a dragon King"

Jura : "I thought that Acnalogia was considered to be the dragon king"

Skiadrum : "he was....until Y/n defeat him a few days ago"

Everyone looked shocked to find out Y/n had defeated Acnalogia and was now considered to be the new dragon King.

Hisui : "our further husband defeated Acnologia....incredible you really are powerful"

Y/n : "if this is a dream please let me wake up"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2021 ⏰

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