List Of New Powers/Magic

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This will be a list of Powers and  Magic Y/n will learn throughout his travels and the world's he'll learn them in.

(CC = Can Control) - this means that the magic/power can be completely controlled by Y/n for example Zeref's magic can kill anything it touches but he has no control over it, CC means Y/n can control it to were the magic won't go off on its own and kill or hurt anyone.

This Will be Constantly updated as the story continues.

Fairy Tail -

*All Dragon Slayer Magic
*All God Slayer Magic
*All Dragon God Slayer Magic
*Transformation Magic
*Celestial Spirit Magic
*Heavenly Body Magic
*Angel Magic
*Fairy Magic
*Requip Magic
*All Maker Magic
*Devil Slayer Magic
*Take Over Magic
*Ankhseram Black Magic(CC)
*Crash Magic(CC)
*Arc Of Time
*Control T
*Age Seal Magic

The Dimensional KryptonianOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant