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Hiiiii, so it's September and I go back to school next week. So like I said in my last A/N I will most likely take a break from Wattpad to study. I don't think I did write why but anyways I'll tell you why, so this year I'm going into Year 10 (idk what grade it is in the US) and we basically have our mock GCSEs.

GCSEs are important tests that we do towards the end of Year 11 but we have to take mocks in Year 10 and 11.

I have to really focus this year so I will be deleting Wattpad to focus on my studys since I promised my dad that I will study and do well I'm school. And anyways if I want to get into University I have to go through 6Form which we have to get high grades to get into.

I'm very sorry but my study are really important. I will probably download Wattpad again but that would probably only be for six weeks in summer.

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