Chapter 1

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I crouched on all fours and stalked towards the deer. I was careful to keep my belly from brushing the ground and my tail from moving. Once I was a couple feet away, I pounced. I landed on the deer's back and bit its neck, killing it.

It was three months after the battle with Simba's group. Everyone was healed and healthy. We were just building up our strength to find the dragon hybrid group. Everyone had a scar of their own except the medics and the kids. Chase had a scar on his shoulder, Luke had a scar on his leg, Kyle had a scar on his back, and Cali had a scar on her neck.

I walked back to the house carrying the deer and in my bag was 3 fish, 5 mice, and 3 birds. It was spring time so the prey was plentiful. I was glad it was spring because we needed the meat for strength.

Once inside, I cleaned and skinned the prey then put them in the fridge. I then went back outside to hunt again. As I left the house, a light grey wolf hybrid walked towards the door.

"Hi Ande." It greeted, stoping in front of me. It was my sister Karly. The only way you could tell she was in battle was the scar on her arm.

"Hi Karly." I said, stoping.

"You can have free time. I will hunt for you." She offered.

"Ok. Thanks!" I called, giving her my bag as she walked inside.

"Your welcome!" She answered as the door closed behind her.

I walked to the river and saw Lilly sitting on a flat rock next to it. She was fishing. I stalked up behind her then tackled her, pulling her into the water. She yelled in surprise before we went under water. Once she was under the water, I let her go and we both climbed onto the rock.

"You could have just yelled 'boo' instead of pushing me into the water." Lilly protested as she shook the water out of her fur.

"It wouldn't have been as fun though." I argued.

"For you." She mumbled.

"Anyway, how is fishing going?" I asked, grooming my fur out.

"It was going good until you shoved me into the river!" Lilly answered.

"Okay okay! I'm sorry!" I soothed.

"Just don't do it again please." She mumbled.

"I won't." I sighed.

"Want to help me?" Lilly asked.

"Sure." I shrugged.

I then settled down on the rock next to her and fished with her. I hunted with her until the sun started to set. I caught 10 fish and she caught 15 on top of her other 10 fish. We walked back to the house and cleaned and scaled the fish.

Once the fish were cleaned, we sat down for dinner. The dinner tonight was fish, salad, and apple juice. After dinner, we cleaned up then played go fish. After go fish, we went to bed.

Hunters: The Dusk of the HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now