Chapter 2

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After breakfast, I walked a few feet away from the house and waited. There had been a lot of dragon hybrids flying over our house and I wanted to see where they went. Ande wasn't doing this task because we don't want to risk her dying.

A couple minutes later, a dragon hybrid flew overhead. I got up and followed it. It flew across the river and climbed a small hill. From the top of the hill I saw a small town in a small valley below. The town was protected by a stone wall and there were towers in all four corners to protect the town from air attacks.

There was a church in the middle, barn near the edge , and a couple houses also near the edge. Near the middle of the town was a bigger building. I guessed that that was the town hall. Near the farthest edge was a bigger looking house that I knew was the leaders house.

The hybrid I was following landed in the middle of the town and walked towards the town hall. He stayed in there for awhile before coming out. He had a scroll in hand when he walked in and he didn't when he came out. I then got up from watching and walked back. My task was done.

Once back, I went into the office and drew what I saw. I can draw good buildings but if I draw anything else, it's not good. After I finished drawing it, I pined it to the tax board. I labeled it 'Dragon Hybrid Base.' I then ate lunch and went out to see if I could get closer to the dragon base.

I got to the top of the ridge and carefully picked my way down. I stuck to the right edge of the ridge, close to the mountain. Once down, I saw the wall was about 100 feet tall. The watch towers were 155 feet tall. I saw that the ridge I was on led to a castle gate. There were two dragon hybrids guarding the gate. One of the hybrids was blue and the other was red. I guessed that there were two other hybrids guarding the gate on the inside. On top of the wall was dragon hybrids pacing from side o side guarding the top of the wall.

I stalked around the edge of the wall and saw that the other sides didn't have the gates. It was only the one side. I really wanted to check out the town on the inside but I knew I couldn't unless I wanted to get caught. I was on the middle of the climb up when I heard someone call to me. This wasn't going to be good.

"Hey you! Stop where you are." The voice called.

I turned around and saw the guards from the front of the gate running towards me. They were wearing knight armor and the crest in the middle of their armor on their chest was a yellow griffon standing on its hind legs breathing orange fire. The background was red. They weren't holding anything because they had 1 1/2 inch long claws on their hands. The guards on the wall turned to see what was wrong and saw me. They had crossbows in their hangs and aimed it at me. I looked at the guards climbing the hill and saw they were almost within arms reach so I kept on climbing.

I heard arrows coming towards me so I dodged it by running away from the sound. I wasn't careful enough though. I felt one hit the bottom of my led and yowled in pain. I stumbled down and caught myself from rolling down the mountain.

I felt people grab my arms and I knew the dragon hybrids caught up to me. I heard them spread their wings and take off. I was facing behind them so I watched as we flew back over the ridge and into the town. They flew down and dropped me in a pit next to the town hall. The pit was 7 feet deep and had a 3 foot wall above it. I landed on my hands and knees and winced when I put pressure on the leg with the arrow in it. I looked up and saw the dragons fly into the town hall.

I sat down and looked at the arrow wound. The puncture was small but I knew that if I took the arrow out, the wound would be bigger. I reached in my bag and pulled out my medical kit. I opened the kit and pulled out the wrap. I got the cleaning wipes in my right hand and pulled the arrow out with my left hand. I quickly put the arrow down and cleaned the wound. It stung but I knew it was necessary because I didn't want an infection. Once the wound was clean, I wrapped the wound then put the medical stuff away.

Right as I put the kit in my bag, the two dragon hybrids came back. I flattened my ears and snarled at them as they entered the pit. They didn't seem to care as they grabbed my arms and led me out of the pit into the town hall.

The town hall was just a big empty building with tables on the right and left edges of it. The tables had chairs on the side closest to the wall. As we walked down the building, I saw that there were dragon hybrids in the chairs. At the back of the building, there was a smaller table connecting the two long tables. I was pushed to my knees in front of that rabble. Sitting at that table in chairs closest to the wall was three dragon hybrids.

The dragon hybrid in the middle looked older than the other two and was male. His scales were crimson red. His wings and tail were different colors but were the same shade as his scales. His wings were crimson orange and his tail was crimson blue. He had amber dragon eyes. They all had dragon eyes. He had scars all over his face.

The one on his right was a female with emerald green eyes. She had royal blue scales but different color wings and tail. Her wings were dark purple and her tail was dark green. She looked kinder than the middle hybrid. In fact, they all looked kinder than the middle hybrid.

The hybrid on the left was a male like the middle one. He looked to be younger than the other two. He had sky blue eyes and dark yellow scales. His wings were the same shade red and his tale was the same shade orange.

"What's your name?" The middle hybrid asked. He had a gruff voice.

"My name is Karly." I answered.

"Okay Karly. Where do you live?" He questioned.

"Why should I tell you?" I growled.

"Because I'll kill you if you don't." The hybrid threatened.

"Shuvirth don't." The female soothed.

"I'll do what I need to do, Birroth." Shuvirth snapped. He then turned back to me.

"Where do you live?" The male repeated.

"In a house across the river below the ridge you live in front of." I explained.

He nodded. "Very well. You will show me tomorrow." He said. He clearly dismissed me.

The guards grabbed me by my arms and dragged me out. Once out of the building, I saw it was dark. They threw me back into the pit and walked away. I got a blanket out of my bag and used my bag as a pillow. I went to bed thinking about Ande.

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