Chapter 16

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On Sunday, after I woke up at 10:30 and got ready, I ate breakfast. Today's breakfast was a breakfast burrito and bacon with orange juice to drink. After breakfast, I went to the library to read about different types of war tactics to use in the battle.

One tactic was to have one group stay off to the side as a reserve group while another one goes and fights. When it looked like the fighting group needed help, the reserve group would go in and attack.

Another one was to attack from below as well as above. We already had the above part covered, that was the areal attack. The part we didn't have was the below. I researched this and found out that this means to plant mines inside the base of your enemy and blow up its valuable buildings. I went to Ande after I found a couple good tips to tell her.

"This means that we could blow up their resource buildings and the wall." I finished.

"Those are great ideas. But where do we get the bombs?" Ande asked. That's where Chase came in.

Before he talked, Chase closed and locked the door of the office. "My father has a secret room full of guns and bombs in this house." He answered.

"Where?" Ande questioned.

"Here." He acknowledged. He then went to the map hung up on the wall behind him and took it off. Underneath it was a key pad. He typed in a code and a door shaped hole appeared in the wall to his right.

We walked through the door and down stairs, flipping on a light switch when we got to the bottom. When our eyes adjusted to the light, me and Ande gasped.

Inside was a big room filled wall to wall with shelves with guns and bombs. Against the walls were tables with different types of flat bottom bombs.

"Where did he get this stuff?" Ande asked as we walked around looking at all the stuff.

"His dad and grandfather were in the military." I answered.

"When did you know this?" Ande asked, looking back at me.

"When you started to think about a battle." I answered. She then looked at Chase.

"I didn't tell you because you would have told everyone. I wanted to keep the secret safe so I only told Karly. I was thinking that we could send a couple people at night to set these up. But they couldn't tell a soul." Chase suggested.

"I agree." Ande nodded. "Who should we send?"

"I was thinking maybe we could send Kyle-"

"Do you have feelings for him?" Chase interrupted me.

"No no no no no! I don't! I just think he's good for the job!" I answered.

Chase narrowed his eyes. "I believe you. Carry on." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever." I sighed.

"Anyway, I was thinking of sending Kyle and Ulysses." I continued.

"Let me guess, Ulysses to carry the stuff?" Ande questioned.

I nodded. "That's exactly what I was thinking." I agreed.

We then went back upstairs, turned off the lights, closed the entrance, and hung the map back up. After that, we thought of a plan.

It took us a half an hour but we thought of a plan. The plan was to load Ulysses up with the bombs that we would plant under the buildings then send the two to the camp tonight. They would sneak past the guards and silently hook up the bombs to connect to a button in the forest near a tunnel. Kyle would stand guard at the button while Ulysses went and woke Ande and I up. We would follow them to the button and Ande would press it.

We would explode the resources now to give us the greater advantage in battle. While all of our troops would be fit and healthy, theirs would be tired and weak of repair work. When we got back home, we were going to tell everyone what we had done. But we would keep the weapon room a secret, we don't want anyone to know about it. After lunch, we pulled Kyle and Ulysses aside to tell them the plan.

"Ulysses, you would then come and wake Karly and I up and led me to the button where you guys put it. Kyle, you would be guarding the button the whole time. When we get there, I would press the button, destroying their resources." Ande explained.

"And you think we could sneak past the guards?" Ulysses asked.

"We know you can." I answered.

Ande then dismissed them and let me go too. I chose to play BS with everyone until dinner. We had fish for dinner. After free time, when everyone was going to bed, Ande and I put the bombs, ignition coils, and digging supplies on Ulysses before sending them out. Then we went to bed, waiting for Ulysses to wake us up.

When Ulysses woke us up, it was 1:00 in the morning. Ande and I quickly got dressed and followed the horse hybrid out. Ulysses let us ride on his back.

When we got to Kyle, we saw that, like Ulysses, he was covered with dirt. Kyle stepped aside and showed us that the button was strapped to a tree. Ande pressed it and we heard a loud boom sound from the dragon base and felt the shock waves.

We walked back home to find everyone awake and angry. They didn't like the rude wake up call. We told them what happened and they calmed down. Ande then sent everyone to bed and Kyle and Ulysses to shower.

Hello my Hybrids! I hope you like this chapter! Now that the dragon's have no resources, what do you think will happen in the battle? Put your answer down bellow, I will read every one.
You know XzaverBaro , the guy I have a shout out to last chapter or a couple chapters ago? Yea, he started a book called 'WOLF' (spelled like that without the quotes) and I would like you guys to go check it out and vote for it as you see fit.
If you haven't already and would want to, click the follow button and give a hybrid a home. (My new saying lol.)
Anyways, have a good rest of your day/night and I will talk to you later, bye!

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