Chapter 13

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Over the next week, we trained hard. We practiced fighting hand-to-hand (or claw-to-claw) and with swords, bows, and daggers. I put the people who are best at archery in the towers and made them practice shooting from there. I also made a battle plan. I took the people who were best at fighting in combat and put them in the attack groups. Those people were Blizzard, Amy, Luke, Lilly, Tyler, Andrew, Kyle, Jim, Isabella, Abe, Davis, Emma and Fang. The people best at archery were Amanda, Angel, Max, Carson, Aubrey, McKenna, mom, and Ulysses. There were 4 fighting groups, one to attack each side. The group attacking from the front was led by me and in this group, I put Blizzard, Luke, and Lilly. Karly led the group attacking from the left and in her group were Amy, Tyler, and Davis. The group that was to attack the right side was led by Kyle and he had Jim, Andrew, and Fang. And last but not least, Chase led the group attacking from behind. Chase's group included Isabella, Abe, and Emma. We had half of the archers come with us and stand on the hill to shoot at the base from above. Sense Amanda was a hawk hybrid, she was to fly above the base and attack from there. I kept Angel, Max, Carson, and mom at home to protect the house while Amanda, Aubrey, McKenna, and Ulysses came to the fight. I positioned Amanda in the tower to the front right of the house, McKenna to the front left, Aubrey to the back left, and Ulysses to the back right tower. Roxy, Stone, and Cloud stayed at the house to wait for wounded hybrids and to protect the kids; Adam, Cleo, Mitch, and Ruby.

We practiced half of the people one day then the other half the next day. When people weren't fighting, they were hunting. On Wednesday, I had a couple of the people not training they day take Livjatan back to his base because he knew nothing about the dragon's attack plan but his did know their weakness: an attack from all sides. That is why the battle plan was to attack by charging in each gate.

We also made people do other training like running, lifting weights, swimming, flying if they had wings, and other stuff like that. When we got back to the house at night, everyone was tired. At the end of the week, Chase and I were the most tired and most sore. That was a sign that we were making progress.

Hello my Hybrids! I'm sorry that this is a short chapter and that the next one will be short too. The reason that they are this short is because they are recap chapters. I will try to make the rest of the chapters longer for you guys.
Again, if you have any suggestions, fan art, or questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section or you can private message me. And don't worry, I will write other books when this series is done. I hope you guys like my series and vote for it! Have a nice day/night (depending on where you are in the world)! Bye!

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