Chapter 15

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I woke up late on Saturday. Sense we were done with training though, I didn't have to wake up early, I could just sleep in. And that's what I did. I slept in until 10:45 because I was so tired. When I went downstairs, I saw that about half of the people woke up and half were still asleep. Karly was one of the people still asleep. I walked to the kitchen and started to make breakfast for the people already awake.

"Morning Ande." My mom greeted.

"Morning mom." I answered.

"Sleep well?" She asked.

"Yea. You?"

"Yea. What are you making?"

"Eggs and toast."

"Sounds good. Is Karly awake?"

"Not yet."

"I thought so. She was exhausted."

"I know." I said.

"I'll let you get back to cooking. I'll set the table." My mom called as she left.

When breakfast was ready, I put the food on the plates and set them at the table. By now everyone was awake, but not Karly.

"Breakfast is ready!" I announced.

Everyone came to the table and ate. After breakfast, they went and either relaxed on the couch or read in the library. I went in the office to perfect the attack plan. The plan needed a lot of editing. I kept Angel, Max, Carson, and mom at home though. That didn't change.

I made the hawk hybrids that were going to battle do an areal attack. The other hybrids in the battle would split up and half would charge through the front fete and the other half would charge through the back. I was in charge of the one going in the front and Chase was going in the back. In my group I put Karly, Blizzard, Lilly, Cali, Amy, Jim, Isabella, Andrew, and Camie. I put Kyle, Davis, Emma, Fang, Aubrey, McKenna, and Ulysses in Chase's group. I had Roxy, Stone, Cloud, Adam, Cleo, Blake, Mitch and Ruby stay home too. After I fixed the plan, I went out to hunt.

Once I was a couple feet away from the tunnel, I started my search for prey. It took me about 15 minutes to find my first prey. It was a bird. The bird was at the base of a tree pulling out a worm with its back to me. The wind was blowing my direction.

I crutched down and stalked towards it, slow and quietly. Once I was within a couple feet from it, I pounced on it and bit it's neck to kill it. I then stood up and put the prey in my bag.

I hunted until I had a decent amount of prey. I then went home with 3 birds, 5 mice, 15 fish, and 4 squirrels. There definitely wasn't a shortage of fish. After dinner, I reviewed the plan with the group.

"When I give the signal, the winged hybrids will fly above the fort and make it rain arrows. But be careful not to hit Chase's and my groups." I explained. "Any questions?" Blake raised his hand. "Yes."

"What if some of the bad hybrids attack the house?" Blake asked.

"Then you and the other people will protect it. Remember that the house is surrounded with traps too." I answered. "Any more questions?" No one answered. "Alright. Meeting dismissed."

Everyone then either read or hung out on the couch before going to bed. This was a productive, but restful, day for me.

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