Chapter 10

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The next day, as I was eating breakfast at the bar, Ande came up, grabbed an egg plate, then sat down next to me.

"Good morning." I greeted.

"Morning." She mumbled back.

"How did interrogation go with the dragon hybrid go?" I asked.

"Good and bad." She answered. "Good news, he's no threat, he's only a slave. Bad news, his master is the leader dragon hybrid."

"Shuvirth?" I gasped.

She nodded. "The hybrid, who's name is Livjatan Gentleheart, was scouting our land for possible weaknesses."

"Okay." I nodded. "But he didn't know about the traps."

"Apparently." She agreed. "We are going to keep him for a couple more days to get more information out of him. Do you want to bring him food?"

"Sure." I acknowledged, getting up.

I grabbed an egg plate and walked to the cage. Luke and Blizzard, the guards, let me in. Livjatan was hanging upside down on the railing of the top bunk of the bunk bed. He got off and stood up when he saw the plate of food.

"This is for you." I said as I handed the plate to him.

"Thank you." He nodded gratefully, taking the plate. He sat on the bottom bunk and started to eat the food. A minute passed before a conversation was started.

"You don't get fed much, do you?" I asked, noticing how skinny he was.

"No I don't. My master only feeds me if I had behaved. And when he does, he only feeds me a squirrel, a rabbit if I'm lucky. But other than that, no I don't." He answered.

"Wow." I said, shocked. I thought for a minute. "Wait here." I instructed.

"I can't go anywhere." He joked.

I smiled as I left the cage and headed to the kitchen. I made a breakfast burrito for him and grabbed a glass of orange juice as well. I then walked back into the cage. Livjatan had finished the eggs and had placed them by the door. He was sitting where he was before, flexing his wings. When he saw the burrito and juice he stopped and stared at the food as I handed it to him.

"Shurvirth may not feet you, but I will." I smiled as he ate the burrito and drank the juice.

"Thank you so much." He mumbled through a mouthful of food.

"Your welcome." I smiled. My tail wagged a little, happy that I was feeding the hungry. I was quiet as Gentleheart ate. When he was done, I grabbed the dirty plates and headed out. I stopped at the door and turned around.

"I will take you outside tomorrow if you promise not to fly away, okay?" I asked.

"Why would I fly away? You are giving me more food I have gotten in years." He answered.

I smiled then walked out of the cage. I cleaned and put away the dishes then grabbed a hunting bag and walked outside. I walked through the tunnel on the left, emerging into the forest.

I walked a couple feet away from the hole and immediately smelled deer nearby. I followed the sent to the edge of a clearing. In the clearing was a whole herd of deer. I hung my bag on a nearby tree, so that I was quieter, and stalked low towards the nearest deer which was the buck. Once I got within a couple feet of it, I pounced on it and clawed its throat before it could make a sound. I quietly dragged it to the bottom of the tree where my bag was and pulled a big sheet from my bag. I covered the deer other it before going back to the clearing to finish off the herd.

I entered the house at dinner time with the buck and the 5 female deer that was with it, 27 mice, 17 fish, 15 shrews, and 18 birds. I ate 2 birds and an apple for lunch and drank out of a nearby stream. I cleaned and stored the meat before sitting down for dinner. We moved some tables closer to the bar for everyone to eat at sense Paige was laying on the diner table.

After dinner, I helped Roxy replace Paige's old bandages with new ones before everyone went to their rooms for the night.
Sorry if this was too short for you guys! I will try to make the next chapter a little longer for you. I didn't have a lot of ideas of what to do for this chapter. Comment below if you have a suggestion for me. I will give you credit and a character. I have decided to call all you readers my Hybrids (obviously this will change for each book I write). I hope you like this book and the series! Just to let you know, this is the last book of the Hybrid series. Have a nice day!

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