Chapter 12

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The next day, I brought Livjatan his breakfast which we made a breakfast burrito and a cup of orange juice. The guards today were Abe and Emma. They let me in and I gave Gentleheart his breakfast.

"You ready to go outside today?" I asked as he ate.

"Yea." He answered as he swallowed a bite of his breakfast.

"You know I have to follow you where ever you go so that you don't escape, right?" I told him.

"Yea. But at least I get to go outside." He sighed.

"Yea." I said while taking his plate. "I'll put this away then we can go."

I did what I said I would and cleaned and put the dishes away. After that, I put Livjatan on a 3 yard long leash, holding most of hit, and walked outside. Once outside, I let the leash go, holding onto the end loop, and he took off. He flew as far as he could in a circle.

After about an hour of flying, he came down and we went inside. I locked him back in the cage and put the leash in the closet. I grabbed a hunting bag and walked out into the forest to hunt. Once out of the tunnel and in the forest, I saw Blizzard walking into the tunnel.

"Your bag full?" I asked him.

He nodded. "I've been out sense dawn. You just going out?"

"Yea. I let the prisoner fly around for a bit but I kept him on a leash. What did you catch?"

"That's nice. I caught 1 deer, 10 mice, 2 voles, and 1 bird."

"Why so little?"

"I don't know. It seems like it's either been scared away or taken." He shrugged.

"That's strange. One day it's here one day it's gone. I have a theory but I don't know if I'm right. Go tell Ande and Chase. They will know what to do." I ordered.

He nodded and headed into the tunnel. I walked into the forest and headed towards the river. There is something I want to check out.

Once at the river, I crossed it and headed towards the dragon base. I had no weapon or armor but I wasn't going to go in. I climbed the hill and looked at the enemy camp. It looked like nothing was different. There was still archers in the tower, guards at the gate, but it didn't feel right.

I felt the wind pick up and blow in my direction so I took a long sniff. That was when I knew what was different. They were keeping herds of deer in their camp. Not only that, but it smelled like the blacksmiths were busy at work.

'I have to tell Ande.' I thought. 'She would love to know this.'

When I got back to the house, I headed straight for Ande's office after putting my bag away. Blizzard was already gone when I entered. Chase and Ande were looking at a map on the desk before looking up at me.

"Something else to report?" Chase asked.

"Yes. I went to the hill across from the dragon base to prove a theory. It looked fine, but when the wind blew in my direction I smelt something different. My theory was right. They are keeping herds of deer. That's why the deer are gone. I don't know about the other animals but that's where the deer have gone. I also found something else. Their blacksmiths are working on something." I explained.

Ande nodded. "I will think about what to do. You're dismissed."

I left and went to the garden barn to help. The crops were growing great. I went up to Isabella to see when they would be ready to harvest.

"Hi Karly!" She greeted.

"Hi. How's the farm going?" I ask.

"It's going great. We will be ready to harvest in May, next month." She answers.

"Great. Do you need any help?" I offer.

She shakes her head. "No. We are just making sure here are no bugs eating the food." She replies.

"Okay. See you later!" I call as I leave.

"Bye!" She calls after me.

I decide to go for a run so I go back into the forest and run as fast and as far as I could. I stopped and sat down to catch my breath. I was a good mile away from the house in a grass meadow. It was pretty here, grass covering the ground, flower patches here and there, and I was at the edge of it all.

Once I caught my breath, I stood up to go. Before I could leave, I heard someone running through the forest to my left towards the media a couple feet away. I ducked down and peered over the edge of the grass. A minute later, a deer hybrid came sprinting into the meadow being chased by two dragon hybrids.

The hybrid looked to be a female. Her legs were deer legs and she was light brown with white spots. She had a white deer tail on her lower back where you would expect a tail to be. She had deer ears and her fingers looked to be hooves but in the form of fingers. She was holding a tan bag.

The dragon hybrids were catching up to her and I decided to help her. An enemy of my enemy is my friend. I got up and bolted towards the dragons, tackling the nearest one. He was brown with green eyes. I fought him, my claws not doing hardly a thing because of the chain mill he was wearing.

The second dragon hybrid pulled me off and tried to restrain me. Before he could, I bit his arm, my teeth sinking through the chain mill. He yowled in pain and let go. The other hybrid lunged at me but I dodged it and bit his leg as he sailed over head. I then scrambled away and ran towards the deer, who was a couple feet away watching.

"Follow me." I called as I turned and ran towards home. I heard the deer follow me as I raced home. I slowed to a walk as we neared the tunnels.

"What's your name?" I breathed.

"Amy." She answered.

"Nice name. I'm Karly." I nodded, catching my breath.

"Where are you taking me?" Amy asked.

"I am part of a group that lives separate from the dragon hybrids that were chasing you. We are not with them in any way. We moved here from California a 10 months ago. Out leaders are my sister Ande and a hawk hybrid named Chase. We call ourselves The Survivors." I explained.

"Nice." She nodded.

"Thanks. This is our house. Are you going to stay here?" I questioned as we walked through the front door into the house.

"Sure. I need a place to stay anyway." She answered, looking around as I led her to the room expansions. I gave her the first room on the left, which was unoccupied.

After she put her things away and changed, she came out and I led her to Ande. She agreed to let Amy stay, Chase did too. Sense it was dinner time, I led her to the dinner table to eat.

"Today we gained a new member. Her name is Amy." Ande announced. Everyone cheered. My sister continued when the cheering stopped. "We will still continue training but it will stop in two weeks. Chase and I decided to have the battle two weeks after training, on July 13th. Just to let everyone know, we are on a shortage of prey. Anyone have anything else to report?" No one spoke. "Okay. Meeting dismissed."

After we cleaned up dinner, I explained our rules and schedule to Amy. When 10:00 hit, we all went to bed.

Hello my lovely Hybrids! And a special hello to my friend Andrea! She just joined and reading my books. Everyone go sub to her please! Her username is @andreaj0113 so please go sub to her! I'll talk to you guys letter! Have a nice day/night! Bye!

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