Chapter 11

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When I exited my room, I found that all the lights were out and the curtains were closed, making the house pitch black. My eyes switched to night vision as I looked for a light switch. I found one at the bottom of the stairs and turned the lights on.

"Surprise! Happy birthday!" Everyone said when the lights turned on. I jumped and turned around.

The whole living room was decorated with Doctor Who theme birthday decorations. The windows looked like the sides of the TARDIS, the doors looked like the front of the TARDIS, and there was a Dalek cake on the coffee table. On the right side of the T.V. was a life sized cut out of the 11th doctor. On the left side was a life sized cut out of Amy Pond. Paige was standing next to Karly, leaning next to her. Karly was standing in front of the T.V. I purred at the sene.

"I didn't think you remembered." I purred. It was April 19 and I was born in 2001.

"Of coarse I would have remembered." My mom, Kim, smiled.

"Hey! I did too!" Karly protested.

"I know you both did. I was just giving you a hard time." I told them while hugging them.

"Now that that's done," Chase says after we hugged for a minute, "who wants cake?"

I helped Paige to the couch and we ate cake for breakfast. The cake was red velvet, my favorite. After breakfast, I sat down on the couch next to Paige and opened gifts. Paige handed me the first one, a medium sized rectangle box wrapped in blue wrapping paper with a silver bow tied on it. I pulled the card out from under the bow and opened it. This is what it read:

"Dear Androlia,
Happy birthday! You are now 14! I love you so much and am proud of how tough you are. Keep up the good leadership work! I will fight with you until my last breath and if it comes to it, die to save you. You are growing up to be an amazing young girl and I am proud to be your mother.

As I read it, I started to get teared up and I started purring at the same time.

"Thanks mom." I sniffed, getting up and hugging her.

"Your welcome." She smiled.

"You would really die for me?" I asked.

She nodded. "I meant every word I wrote."

"Thank you for everything." I purred, hugging her again.

I then sat back down and opened the present from her. In the box was a white picture frame. The gram was big enough to fit a piece of copy paper.

"I got you that so you can put a picture of the group in it." My mom explained.

"We can take a picture after if you want. I have a camera we could use." Roxy offered.

"We will do that. Thank you." I nodded.

I then put that presents aside and continued opening gifts. From Karly, I got a new messenger bag. It was sky blue with a TARDIS on the opening flap and the Warrior Cats logo on the back. In it was a gold iPhone 6 with a dark teal and lighter teal otter box case. On the inside of the hard part was dark blue colored engraving. It said: 'Property of Androlia, leader of The Survivors. If found, please return to The Survivors's base immediately.'

"Did all of you agree on the name?" I asked after I read the engraving and put the case back on the phone.

"Yes we did. It's fitting, don't you think?" She answered.

"Your right." I agreed, putting the phone on the table next to the couch and putting the bag next to the frame. I continued opening gifts.

Jim got me a full armor set made of iron. What made this set different from the rest was that there was paw prints engraved in it, all different types of paw prints. There was also different types of animal prints engraved on it too. He also made a sword with a golden handle. There was a silver line that wrapped around the blade to the tip. Chase and Kyle got me a dagger and a dagger holder that went on my ankle. The lion hybrids all made ma a red cape with the emblem in the middle that attached to my armor. Everyone else got me really nice things too.

Lastly, Paige handed me a small rectangular box wrapped in silver and tied off in a gold bow. There was a card under the bow on the top.

"Who is this from?" I asked, untieing the bow.

"Read the card." Karly answered, avoiding the question.

So I did. I opened the card and read it.

"Dear Ande,
Happy birthday! If you are reading this, than I have died in battle. I know you miss me and I miss you too. Even though our time together was short, I got to know a lot about you. You are a kind, brave, and courageous young girl. I know that one day you would make an excellent leader. I only wish that we could have had more time together. I will be watching over you and protecting you always. Goodbye.

I read the letter over two more times, silently crying. I gently put the card away before opening the box. Inside was a golden heart shaped locked on a silver necklace chain. I opened the heart and there was a picture of Flame's face. I held it to my heart before putting it on. It was by far my favorite gift. I never wanted to take it off.

"Who's it from?" Kyle asked.

I looked up at him with teary eyes. "It was Flame." I answered.

"Who was Flame?" He asked.

I explained who he was and he nodded. We then went outside and took the picture near the river. Once that was done, we printed the picture at home and put it in the frame. I hung the frame over my bed and put the rest of my presents away before coming back downstairs.

"I know it's my birthday but we still have work to do." I announced.

Everyone mumbled their protests while going to do their tasks. I grabbed a prey bag and went into the forest from the left tunnel. I walked to the nearby pond and sat on a rock to wait for fish. I saw a fish come towards me and as quick as lightning, swiped a unsethed paw down and caught the fish. I threw the fish on the Rock and snapped its spine to kill it. I put the fish in the bag and continued to fish. Once I finished, I had 5 fish. I then got up and went to hunt other prey.

I walked back to the house with 2 deer, 8 thrush's, 16 mice, 16 squirrels, and 4 voles. I put my meat away before sitting at the table. Tonight, sense it was my birthday, we had lasagna and soda.

After dinner, I set up my iPhone before we all went to bed. This was one of my favorite birthdays.
Hello my Hybrids! I hope you like that I put a birthday in here. Feel free to send me fan art, questions, and/or suggestions if you have any. Just so you know, I will write more books after this series. I will talk to you later (because I can't see you obviously). Bye!

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