36- Short Men Matter

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Aurora's glowering figure pranced through the walls of Hogwarts castle like a girl on a mission. The girl was undoubtedly furious, the only thing she saw was red as lingering students tried to congratulate her on her duel's success. Although all that they received in return was the angry witch not even sparing them a glance as she marched up the moving staircases.

I don't even care what the room is, just give me an open fucking window, she thought as she did the three step pace on the seventh floor corridor. Rory did not care that she most likely looked like a crazed maniac, rushing through her movements so erratically that she almost resembled a 5'4 blur with white hair.

She was just desperate to be alone, as she could feel her powers resurface dangerously beneath her very pores. As soon as the doors materialized, they were blasted apart so forcefully that they rebounded against the walls before slamming shut. Rory didn't even glance around the room, striding straight to the breezy window.

Her powers grew with her. Every year she turned in age, her magic grew into an untamable breach of utter chaos that played off of her very emotions. When she was sad, hurricanes would wipe out entire neighborhoods. When she was delighted, flowers shone and colors popped brighter. When she was lonely (which was a hard feat, considering she was rarely ever alone,) her magic would entertain her, wood chips would float and dandelions would surround her.

When Aurora was angry, however, it would seem that a faraway mountain would slowly crumble. The beautiful view that Rory did not take the time to appreciate went into utter chaos as raw magic swept out of her and onto a cliff many miles away. She watched with no remorse as a piece of the earth crumbled away, not able to hear the loud booms of large boulders shaking the ground as they fell one by one.

Aurora was breathing heavily, and she knew that she'd just used more magic than she was used to in such a short period of time. Exhaustion taking over, the witch slid to the ground as she held her head in her hands, legs splayed out wildly. Why the fuck did he do this? To put a complex memory charm on a mere baby...

Aurora almost felt sick. Furious tears splashed onto her lap that the witch didn't bother to wipe away. Rory really needed to talk to diary-Tom, but she was too tired to even try to find Frankie at the moment. Dumbledore had just informed her that the reason she could never remember who Grindelwald was, is in fact because he had made it so.

Apparently, the war leader was interested in using her as a weapon. Albus, who had gotten word about it, made absolute certain that she would not even know who the man was, and even shipped her to a different timeline for safe measure. Now, not that the man would know it, Aurora had a leg up on him.

In the 90's, when Dumbledore was withering away as a greying old man, his story had been very contradictory to the story he had just told her. He had essentially lied to her face— spewing some false tale in which Nicholas Flamel had found her and went to him for advise as to where she should belong— ultimately resulting in her residence at Malfoy Manor.

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