Chapter 19

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I go through the polaroids we took together at the street just now as I lie on my bed. I stare at my empty closet and dressing table. I stare at my cleared study table. That's it. I'm officially leaving tomorrow.

One photo was me and him wearing hanbok in a shop. He asked the salesgirl to take a picture of us. We posed with different styles next to each other. The pictures were beautiful.

Another one was me holding a bouquet of assorted flowers in front of my face that only my eyes to the top were seen.

There's this one random picture I took next to him eating ice-cream. There's a picture of him wearing a traditional theatrical mask, a picture of us wearing urban caps looking like a duo of rappers. I was laughing in that one. And another picture...


"Here, try this," he said as he handed me those red little thing. He took a few bites himself, too.

"No, I don't want that! I ate that for dinner just now it's spicy like hell," I refused.

"This one is less spicy, I assure you. Meog-eo," he told me. I took a bite with my eyes closed.

His left arm was over my shoulder holding my Polaroid camera. I felt his cheek next to mine and a flash went off. The first thing that came out of my mouth was, "Damn it! This one is even spicier." I grasped his arm real hard as I gulped down a bottle of cold drinking water.


The picture looks perfect, though. My eyes were closed as I bite the spicy rice cake and he was looking at me with a smile when the flash went off. It's very natural.

His eyes crinkled up at the sides and he's got that smile I'm always pleased to see.

I remember the gift.

"Gidalyeo," he said.

"What?" I asked.

"Wait here." He went inside a store and I patiently wait outside while looking at the people here. It took a while but I waited.

He came out about fifteen minutes later with a nicely-wrapped thing in his hand. He handed it to me. I stared at it, then at him.

"A gift," he said. "A souvenir. From me."

"Thank you." I smiled at him. I touched the pink wrapping paper, pondering over its content. I knew it felt like a book. I put it away in my bag.


I wonder what the gift is. I reach for my bag and take out the pink packaging. I unwrap it carefully not to damage whatever is inside.

It's an English-Korean dictionary. I instantly smile. It's the same one that we saw at the bookstore earlier today. I flip open to the first page.

"I'm not good at writing wishes plus, what wish should I even write? I just want to thank you for being a good friend, the best of friend. :) Ah, I know a wish. I wish you all the best in life and we'll see each other again." There are some Korean characters in his writing.

I'm dying to crack the code but won't be able to go through the dictionary looking for it one by one. I put it back in my bag and I keep the wrapper.

I'm sure going to miss him. I turn off the lights, plug in my earphones and lie on my bed.

I cry myself to sleep.

Best Friends, Maybe? (A Song Joong-ki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now