Chapter 6

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I walk to class and head to my locker straight away, a smile planted on my face, I know. I get my books out of my bag and take a seat. "So, someone looks happy," a familiar voice acknowledges me. I glance to my right and Joong-ki is looking at me. His lips form a line.

"I'm okay," I reply. I am still pissed that he left me last night but I am happy nonetheless. I like you. You're the very first girl who managed to make me start over and move on. Thank you and can we become friends? Chung-ho's words echo in my head. How could I forget that? I am too immersed in my own thoughts that I didn't realise I am currently smiling wider.

"Okay? You're beaming right now. Pretty," Joong-ki says. I roll my eyes. Excuse me, don't sweet talk me! I am still pissed! That's what I really want to yell in his face but I am not that rude when I sulk. "Is there anything you would like to tell me?" he asks. What would I like to tell him? Please, you tell me why you left me last night. What a good best friend.

"What should I tell you?" I ask, refusing to look at him. This feels like my first day all over again except that our positions are switched.

"I don't know. What did Chung-ho tell you last night?" he asks. I purse my lips. Should I tell him? But he has no rights to know. Why would he even ask such question?

"Why do you care?" I reply. I stare at him and he looks away. What's the matter with this guy?

"Never mind," he answers. I keep on staring until our Math teacher comes in. What's up with Joong-ki today? Who cares? I turn to my teacher. The whole lesson passes by in complete silence between us two. Then comes History, and we didn't talk. Biology, we didn't talk – plus, we study Biology in the lab and we don't sit together. Silence. And then I realise, I care.


"Hey, mind translating my notes?" I say to Joong-ki. I bite my lip in nervousness. He doesn't look at me. "Look, I'm sorry I was cold to you. I was just...I was angry. You left me last night and took off without a word. I'm sorry," I explain.

"Leave your notes on my table. I'll translate it later. I have to finish my report first," he replies without even looking at me. Just like my first day. I gather my notes and place it neatly on his table.

"Thank you," I whisper. I don't know what else to say. I don't want to argue with him. This is good enough. It's my fault too.

"Hey, Cassie. Would you like to join me?" I look at the direction of the voice, Chung-ho. I smile at him. His eyes are gleaming.

"Join you?" I ask.

"To the cafeteria, I mean," Chung-ho replies. I glance at Joong-ki. He stares at Chung-ho, crease formed between his brows. I don't get it but maybe he's as surprised as I am.

"Um...I don't know..." I look at Joong-ki. Will it be okay to leave him? I exchange glances with Chung-ho and then with Joong-ki.

"Come on, please," Chung-ho pleads. He says something to Joong-ki in Korean and Joong-ki just simply hums in agreement. I guess that's a yes. "Don't worry, our Einstein is used to sitting alone in class. Let's go!" Chung-ho grabs my forearm and we leave the class. I throw one last glance to Joong-ki. He shakes his head and continues writing.


"So, what's up?"

"Huh, what?" Chung-ho's cliché question brings me back to reality. I was definitely daydreaming. More to thinking about something...or someone. Oh, forget it. Joong-ki doesn't mind me joining Chung-ho.

Best Friends, Maybe? (A Song Joong-ki Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now