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As soon as Lance had change, he went back to the med bay and waited for the healing pod to open. It took another twenty minutes for him to hear it click open and Keith to stumble out into his arms.
Only now could Lance relax. Keith was alive and well, and back in his arms where the belonged.
'Hey, mi amor,' Lance muttered in Keith's ear.
'I missed you,' Keith said. He tightened his arms around Lance.
Lance chuckled. 'You've only been in there a couple of hours.'
'Too long,' Keith said.
They looked over at the door and saw Shiro and Adam, who was dressed in Shiro's clothes which were too big for him.
'Adam,' Keith grinned. He left Lance's warm embrace and hugged Adam.
'You were the last person I expected to see out here,' Adam said.
'I'm guessing Shiro told you everything,' Keith said, stepping back, wringing his hands.
'He did,' Adam nodded. 'You have all certainly had an adventure out here, you found your mother, and got to spend time with her.'
'And who happens to be of the same race of those who held you prisoner,' Keith said.
Adam shrugged. 'It doesn't make any difference to me, and you know that.'
'It makes a differnce to some people,' Keith murmured.
'Not to those who matter,' said Adam. 'If someone doesn't respect you for who you are, then they don't need to be in your life.'
'Go and get some rest,' said Shiro, 'Coran will let us know once he's gone over the data you collected.'
Lance took his hand and lead him from the room. They were half way back to Keith's room when his stomach grumbled.
'When was the last lime you ate?' asked Lance.
'Before I left,' Keith said.
Lance frowned. 'That was two days ago.' He was horrified that Keith hadn't taken food with him, and even more horrified he hadn't noticed.
'I'll have something after I shower,' Keith said. He shrugged, unconcerned about when he last ate. It's not as if it hadn't happened before. If he ran out of food or was on a Blade mission it could be days between meals.
'I'm going to make sure you do,' Lance said.
'What time is it anyway?' asked Keith.
'I am,' Lance said, as they entered Keith's room.
'And you're not getting your beauty sleep?' Keith teased.
'As if I could sleep with my boyfriend in a healing pod,' Lance retorted. He went over to Keith's cupboard and pulled out two bags of food and threw them on the bed. 'Now get your skinny arse in the shower.'
He heard Keith laugh, a sound he didn't hear often enough, but was going to ensure he heard every day.
'Watch what you say about my arse, or you won't be getting it any time soon,' Keith said.
'Heyyy, I meant it in the most lovable way,' he whined.
Keith grinned as he turned on the water and stepped into the shower. He let the hot water run over him and soothing his body. He rubbed the blood from his face, and washed it from his hair, and brushed his teeth while in the shower.
Stepping out he found Lance waiting with a towel. Keith took it from him, and lent in and kissed him.
'Thank you,' Keith muttered.
'It's just a towel,' Lance chuckled.
'No, it's more than that to me,' he said, 'it's about not being alone all the time when all I really want is to be with someone.'
Lance ran his fingers through Keith's wet hair, pushing it off his face.
'You never have to be alone,' he murmured, losing himself in Keith's violet eyes. 'You're stuck with me now.'
Keith smiled. 'Good,' he said.
Keith dried off then pulled on shorts and t-shirt and crawled onto the bed and opened one of the packets of food Lance got for him.
Lance stripped down to his own shorts and t-shirt and sat next to Keith. He propped pillows up behind him and Ient against the wall then opened his arms to Keith, who moved to lean against him, his head on Lance's shoulder.
They could hear the music playing next door in Pidge's room. As they sat, they heard three soft raps against the wall.
'What the...' began Lance.
Keith reached up and gave three raps back.
Lance raised his eyebrows.
'She's check to see if I'm out of the pod, and okay,' Keith said.
'When did that start?' asked Lance.
'I'm not sure,' Keith mumbled. 'I guess I go into the damn thing so often she just wanted to check up on me.'
'So the little gremlin does have a heart,' he chuckled.
When Keith didn't say anything, Lance looked down and found him asleep.
He placed both bags of food on the side table. 'Come on, lay down.'
Keith woke up enough to scooched down and Lance put the pillow down for him, pulling his own pillow down, Lance turned off the light and pulled the blanket over them.
'Love you,' Lance whispered.
'Love you, too,' Keith mumbled.

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