The Information

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'Can everyone come to the lounge, in 20 minutes,' Coran said over the Ioud speaker.
Lance groaned and looked at the clock, 8:30am. They had slept though breakfast, and he now wished he could sleep through Coran's voice.
He looked over at Keith who was awake but not moving.
'We have to get up,' Lance said.
'No,' Keith replied.
Lance chuckled. 'Come on, don't be so lazy.'
It was Keith's turn to groan as he followed Lance out of bed and pulled on clothes. They left the room and Keith felt something grip him around the waist. He looked down to find Pidge clinging to him. He ruffled her hair and put an arm around her.
'Thanks for checking in last night,' Keith said.
'Any time,' she replied.
Lance smiled. Keith had gone from being the lone wolf of the team, to finding his place and enjoying other people's company. Lance loved the fact that his friends had welcomed Keith into their fold so easily.
Hunk fell in beside them. 'Morning, buddy,' he said putting an arm over Lance's shoulders, 'Morning Keith.'
'Morning,' they both said.
'Sorry you missed breakfast,' said Hunk, 'but Shiro said not to wake you.'
'All good, dude,' Lance said as they entered the Iounge.
Adam, Shiro and Allura were aIready there.
'Excellent,' said Coran, 'take a seat. I have finished going over the information Keith brought back. The ship is one of many that have been constructed, but is the first one completed. The ship has the capacity to carry up to 500,000 people.'
'That's huge,' said Hunk. 'What would they use it for?'
'It's a slave ship,' said Coran, he looked at the ground and sighed. When he looked up he said, 'When the other five are finished, they are heading to Earth.'
Silence filled the room. For the first time in this war their home world was under threat.
'When?' asked Shiro.
'It will take three months before all the slave ships will be ready,' Coran said.
'It's more important now, we gather worlds into the coalition,' said Allura. 'The diplomatic event tomorrow on Okarina could swing the tide in our favour. I will contact others in the Coalition to send out word of what is going on, and set up a meeting here at the Castle to give all the details.'
'Why don't we hit the ships before they're finished?' asked Lance.
'After the attack on the first ship, there defences will be increased,' said Allura. 'We get the word out to the Coalition and head to Earth before the scheduled attack in case they attack earlier.'
'We need to start putting things in place,' said Shiro. 'We contact the Coalition give them a firm date on when to meet at Earth, after we arrive. We don't want Earth panicking when ships start to arrive.'
This war was now headed to their home world, and it scared all of them. Two years they'd been out here in space, never contacting Earth in fear of leading the Galra there. After they had rescued Shiro, there was always worry in the backs of their minds the Galra knew where to find Earth, and that fear had now become reality.
Had they made enough friends, and formed a strong enough bond where those in the coalition would help them? Or had they freed world after world, only to be left to defend their world by themselves?
Only time would tell.

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