Chapter 2 | Him

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You've just finished your shift. Not too many people but more than usual. They probably found out that the avengers were here. You went home to change your outfit and have a wash before getting a taxi to the tower with your tips from today. When you enter there is nobody but a man with black hair who was sat on a sofa with his back turned.
"I had not been told anyone would be arriving, I am Loki, God of mischief." He introduced.
"Oh, Stark had spoken with you. He had said you were lovely and very polite, that was extremely coldly said," he mentions.
He stand up and walks towards you
Loki's build is sort of confusing, slim but muscular. Oh and don't get me started on those hands!
The man looms over you. He reaches for your arm which you dodge.
"Touch me when you've bought me food," you snap causing him so roll his eyes. Loki walks back towards to the sofa.


Natasha walks through the door.
" Oh sorry you had to stay with him."
You chuckle.
This obviously pissed Loki off.
"Is the God upset?" You awed.
"Of course not! Don't be obscure."
He stand up and walks off to his room.
You and Nat talk for a while getting to know eachother, she asks a few questions about and you ask about the avengers. You had a few giggles, you got on well. "Is it alright if I use the loo?" You ask. She nods and directs you.


Loki was in the kitchen when you came back, Nat wasn't there. Did she leave you again? "Hello dear," he says to you.
You flip off his back. "Oh dear, that's extremely inappropriate."
You roll your eyes.
"Whatcha doing?" You ask him.
"Making a drink...?"
You sit on the sofa, Loki brings you a cup of tea. You look up, he hands you it. It's your favourite, how did he know? He walks back to his room. Leaving you alone.


It's been a few weeks and you've visited frequently. 7/10 times you been alone with Loki which can be a bit annoying. Stark has offered to pay for all your taxis which is such a life saver. Your currently lounging on the sofa. Loki hiding somewhere. You end up dozing off.
You wake up with a blanket on which you didn't have before. You walked over to the sink to get a glass of water.
"Did you have a nice nap?" You hear from behind you.
"It was quite nice." You turn to face Loki. "I assume you put the blanket over me?"
Loki nods.

You head back to the sofa with the water as Loki sits beside you. You curl your legs as you lift the blanket over them. The both of you choose a movie to watch, settling on Crimson Peak. You weren't a massive fan of the Ghosts neither was Loki.
By the end of the movie he had his arm over your shoulders and you head leaned against his shoulder. Both done subconsciously. When he noticed he didn't ask you to move off him nor did you ask him to take his arm off you. It made you both feel a fuzzy feeling. Somehow during that 2 hours (1h 58m) you didn't finish your drink. Nearly half full at that.

I really enjoyed writing the end bit!


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