chapter 14| The avengers

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Weeks since last chapter

I waited patiently for Loki. He finally erupted through the large throne room doors. We had to make a announcement. Something big. We'll it felt big to me. Loki walked up beside me. I had arrived before him to make sure everything was perfect. The guest all arrived on time, luckily. Loki began to speak, "Thank you everyone. As you may know, we have an announcement." Loki stopped for a second. "You also may know that your Queen is Midgardian, so we will be allowing Midgards mightiest heroes. That includes my brother, Thor."
Some people broke out into 'whoas' and applauds but others stayed quiet at the mention of me.
They had mixed feelings about me, it was obvious.
Best thing for me to do was ignore it.

"They will be arriving next week, please prepare yourselves," Loki informed them.

I was so excited for their arrival.
Loki allowed me to wear the dress I had been trying on a been getting fitted and it was stunning on me.

Even better than every other time I saw it.

When they finally arrived, people were thrilled to see Thor. Festivities were thrown, everyone wore their best outfits. The Avengers were welcomed accordingly by myself and some of the maidnes. Traditional music played. The night ended with a large feast.

"I would like congratulate you brother, you've done a good job. Being king is a hard job," Thors voice rang out.

"It has been difficult, but Y/n has helped alot."

The brothers went on and on. I eventually got bored of them and began to talk to the others. It was refreshing, talking to other people. Nat had been doing a lot of missions, they were so interesting and intense. Tony had come up with a new project. It was his whole focus. A new kid was added, he was in high school still. Stark believed in him.
There was so much to catch up on.

When the food was brought out, everyone stuffed themselves. Plates were full. Countess meats.

Even though I'd been given such an amazing opportunity, I still missed The Diner.


This is the last chapter I'm so sorry but I have another fanfic being written!

This chapter has been pushed back a bit so sorry.

Stay safe xx


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