chapter 7| out with him

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You put down your glass and sit on a stool by the counters. "So..." You say in attempt to make convosation. It was silent till he made a proposal "How about I take you out for dinner, after the hours prior I feel its right."
You think for a moment before responding, "You know what, sure" You agree to this idea and hurry to Nat.

"NAT!" You exclaim before bursting into her room. She jolts up off of her bed.
"Y/n? Are you ok?" She questions.

"Yes! Loki's taking me on a date, but I have no clothes. Do you by chance having something I can wear?" You eagerly ask.

She looks around. Going through draws and searching hangers, going into boxes and rummaging around on shelves. She pulled out black heels and black dress with a sheer skirt. She then reaches into a small box a picks out some dangling diamond earrings. 

She hands you them. You leave her room and go to a bathroom to change. You choose the closest just down the hallway.
Once you have gotten changed you go off to find Loki. He's in the living room with a black blazer and trousers with a dark green shirt on that has the top button undone. "Darling.." He stops "You look stunning."

"You don't look to bad yourself."
He smirks at your comment. He takes your arm in his as you walk to a black car with gold accents. It looked extremely expensive. He took the drivers seat as you sat beside him.
Loki pulled into a carpark beside a fancy restaurant. So fancy it had a red carpet out side flooded with paparazzi.

The both of you walk up the carpet, flashes blinding you. "Mr Loki, who may this woman be?" Someone asked ,sticking out a microphone. 
"She's a friend, no-one to worry about for the time being" He responds. You arrive at the door, a man asks for a name. "Loki, Loki Laufeyson." The man looks down a list, his fingers traced down till it stopped. He nodded allowing you to go through. As the both of you step inside you see so many celebrities. "Let me get is drinks," he offers. He goes of to buy the drinks as you stay where he left you.
Minutes go by and Loki still hasn't come back, you wonder to check if he's still getting drinks.

No I can't, what if he comes back and I've gone. Hell I shouldn't even be out I've got work tomorrow you think.
You decide you'll look for him Anyway. You find him surrounded by women. Your date flirting with other women. What a liar, told you he was getting drinks but it turns out he was hitting it off with a bunch of ladies. He notices you and tries to leaving leaving women's grasps, that's when your turn to leave. You run out a few tears running down your cheek.
"Y/N PLEASE STOP!" Loki screamed. You know you should listen to him, he's how you'd get home. You have no money, no bag. You wipe your eyes. You walk back towards him.
He wraps his arms around you. "You lied." He places a kiss on your head. "Dear, let me explain. I went to fetch the drinks and these ladies came up to me, they were all over me." He explains.

You weren't sure to believe it. Loki left you at the table. Found him at another.

A/n: changing to 1st person

I so want to belive him truly. Something says not to, I'm not sure what.
"I want to leave, Loki. I want to go

"Dove, if that's what you want I'll take you to your apartment," he said then proceeding to pick me up bridle style and taking me to the car. The drive home was peaceful, he dropped me off. But refused to come in what I offered.
"Why won't you come in?" I asked curiously. I mean it wasn't moldy, definitely not dangerous. What was stopping him?
"I feel bad for earlier" He admited.

"Well if you come in maybe you can make it up to me" I responded.

"Fine dove." We walked into the building, I missed it. Being at the tower all day and afternoon in that restaurant. I open the door to my  apartment and take off my  shoes. Those heels killed. Then we sit on my mattress. "Sorry it's not much," I apologised.
"Oh dear do not worry about that," he reassured me. I lied my head on he shoulder. Loki lifted me placing me on his lap. I stared into his fascinating eyes. Then I placed a kiss on his lips, loki kissed back. That turned from a peck to a French kiss. Moans left my mouth, as his tounge went Deeping into my mouth. Lokis hand ran up and down my back. I then pulled away.
"Sorry love but I need to be able to work tomorrow, i have work" I explained which he understood.
He fell back taking me with him. I was now laying on his chest, his breathing was calming. In no times we were fast asleep.

My alarm started blaring in my ears.
"Crap" I yawn.
Loki rolled over looking at me.
"Oh dove, what's the issue?" He asked.

"Work." He looked upset. I got out of bed. "If you want you can stay while I'm at work, completely up to you though."
I took off my dress and replaced it with my uniform. I put my hair in a bun with to bits of hair out at the front. Then putting on natural make up. Loki stared at me the whole time.
"Babe if you keep staring at me I'll leave sooner."
He got up and held my waist. "I know you'd rather me fuck you then go tow work," Loki whispered into my ear. I moaned at his words.
We then spent the next 44 minutes screaming, moaning and groaning.

I then left for work, Loki kindly drove me.
When I arrived Mrs Anderson giggled a little she knew exactly why I was late, I mean I had a obvious limp. It was so busy, it was so unfamiliar. People kept asking about Loki and myself. They must have seen the pap' pics. Some people asked very personal and inappropriate questions.



~ Tay <3

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